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Department of Information Technology

Computer Networking (distance course) 1DT730, Autumn 2006

Course Overview

Arnold Pears - Responsible for lectures and labs

The theory part of the course is divided into a set of reading sessions, you need to participate fully in a minimum of 12 to be eligible to take the final examination. Your final grade in the theory section of the course is determined by the grade in the final examination.

A pass in the entire course requires that you pass the theory section and also complete the obligatory laboratory exercises at a satisfactory level.


"Computer Networking", Kurose and Ross, web site
Course Topic Reading list


Each reading session consists of a reading block in the Topic Reading List above followed by a discussion "seminar". The seminars will be held online using the Uppsala e-meeting system (Marratech). You will need to download and install a client from [1] and connect to the server by opening Marratech and selecting a meeting location. The url you need to load to get the list of lecture rooms provided by the system is We have booked meetings from 10-11 in the lecture room Betty Pettersson, with normal bandwidth. Meetings are usually on Tuesdays and concern the laboratory material and discussion of reading in the textbook. Upcomming seminars are listed in the Class Schedule

Lab Information
Type of Lab Online information for the laboratory Sources Submission Deadline
Lab 1 Snoop lab Material for the lab CD Rom 31/10
Lab 1 Routing lab Material for the lab CD Rom 30/11
Lectures and Teaching

Computer networking distance courses have very limited face to face contact. In this course you will have one introductory lecture, part of that lecture will involve configuring and using the communications tools that we use in the rest of the course.

Responsibility for learning in such a course is shared and I outline my expectations below. Engagement in the material and an enthusiasm for participation in the course activities are a vital component of your successful learning in this course.

Expectations of the Teacher

Students can expect that the teacher provides them with guidance and structures which help to optimise their opportunities for successful learning. The guiding principle used in distance learning situations is "learning through discussion and collaboration". That is, the aim is for us all to learn together. The teacher is expected to place reasonable demands on the student in terms of preparation and practical work, and to provide reasonable support in order for them to effectively achieve the learning outcomes expected from each of the course elements.

Expectations of the Student

In order for learning to be successful in this course students are expected to take an active part in the course activities. Part of this involves being well prepared.

For example, if you are requested to undertake background reading or programming activities prior to a discussion then you will get much more out of that discussion if you have properly prepared for it and completed the prescribed reading and other activities.

Updated  2006-10-31 11:15:16 by Arnold Pears.