Computer Networks I - Fall 2006
Thank you for your effort during the computer networks course! I enjoyed to work with you and hope to see you again. Good luck with your further studies!
Please understand that we cannot prioritise late submissions (complements) after the course ended. You will get an answer before Christmas at latest.
6/10 You can get back the homework and lab in the shelve outside room P1345.
Short links: Homework | Seminar | Lab | Case Study | Status
- Questions. Use the following email address when you have a question: [1]
. An email will then reach all lecturers and teaching assistants.
- Submissions for reflections [2]
- Lecturer Christian Rohner, room P1421, phone 471 3158
- Teaching assistants: You are welcome to visit us and ask questions. However, we restrict the time for questions to Tuesdays or Thursdays 13-15. If that does not work, you can book a meeting by mail.
- Ioana Ungurean, room P1453, phone 471 2332
- Erik Nordström, room P1453, phone 471 6202
- Literature Computer Networking
: a Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, third edition, ISBN 0-321-26976-4, Addison-Wesley 2004 (or second edition, 2002, ISBN 0-201-97699-4).
Examination: Theoretical Part
Continuous examination with homework, reflections, and seminars. The following tables show the requirements for different grades. For details have a look at the respective links.
F, IT students:
Grade | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Homework | 3 of 4 | ||
Reflections | 5 of 6 | ||
Seminar | 1 presentation | ||
Bonus | 0..2 | 3..4 | 5..6 |
Fristående, Exchange, Masters students:
Grade | G | VG |
Homework | 3 of 4 | |
Reflections | 5 of 6 | |
Seminar | 1 presentation | |
Bonus | 0..3 | 4..6 |
- If you missed two homeworks, you can book an oral exam with me on Friday 13/10. You have to convince me then that you understand the missed topics.
- There is no complement for three or more missed homeworks.
Examination: Practical Part
Labs: to pass you have to do 3 of 3 labs. The requirement to pass a lab is indicated on the lab description.
- Slides and literature references
- Description in the Studyhandbook
- Schedule
(note the "academic quarter", i.e. the courses start x:15 and not x:00 as specified in the schedule)
- kursen kommer att undervisas på engelska eftersom den samläsas av IT, F och int. masters studenter. Inlämningar kan dock ske på svenska om så önskas.