Computer Networking (Autumn 2007)
20080813: Deadline for the final resubmission of lab work for the 2007 course is the last day of August 2008. If you don't submit by this date you will need to re-register and do the practical part of the course again.
20080103: October exam with outline solutions available from the past exams page.
20071130: New deadline for the assignment and the labs on the 12th of January 2008.
20071106: Re-exam for the course is scheduled for January 10th 2008.
20071106: All assignments and lab correction is complete. Arnold is updating the lists 20071107 on the student portal.
20071025: The deadline to complete Snoop and Routing lab is also 1 November.
20071024: The server for the assignment is up and running again (new deadline 1 november)
20071024: You can pick up the labs from the shelf outside room 1346 (house 1, 3rd floor)
20071018: The deadline for the assignment is changed to 21/10.
20071011: The exam is scheduled to 2007-10-13, 9-14 at Gimogatan 4.
20071001: Lecture 2 october cancelled.
20071001: Reflection 2 will be released 2 october
20071001: Link to past exams 1999-2002 has been added to the Useful Links section.
Lecturer in charge: Arnold Pears
Tutors: Ioana Rodhe and Fredrik Bjurefors
Introduction to computer networking principles and practice.
The course combines theory and practical applications of design and implementation of large and small scale computer networks.
The theory part of the course consists of a series of lectures and seminars.
Laboratory exercises and a programming assignment comprise the practical part.
The current instance of the course combines students from three degree programmes, IT, F and International MSc.
Assessment and work requirements vary a little depending on the programme taken by the student.
Refer to the formal course plan for full details of the assessment of your course, the following is a summary in English.
The theory section of the course is assessed through a five hour written examination and obligatory participation in online written reflection exercises and a seminar.
Practical computer networking competencies are assessed using graded reports from two laboratory exercises and the demonstration of internet programming competence in one programming assignment.
Activity | Grading Scale |
Examination | U, 3, 4, 5 |
Laboratory | U, G |
Assignment | U, G |
To successfully complete the course a mark of G must be achieved for both laboratory reports and the assignment, and a mark of 3, 4 or 5 achieved on the written examination. The final grade for the entire course will be the grade achieved on the written examination.
Course Links
Course Literature