Routing Lab
The routing lab uses the Genie lab environment.
You are encouraged to work in groups of two.
Lab-instructions are available here.
If you are doing the lab at the university during the designated time in the schedule you do not need to
download and burn the CD.
You can either do the lab at the designated time in the schedule or on your own computer.
If you decide to do the lab on your own computer you must download and burn the ISO-file to a CD. Boot your
computer from the CD and follow the lab instructions.
Please note that our time for technical support for doing the lab at home is very limited. Genie is based on
KNOPPIX4 which has pretty good support for different kinds of hardware but no guarantees are given that it will
work on your system.
Your best bet is therefore to do the lab at the designated time, during which the lab assistant will also be
available to answer questions.
Instructions for hand-in procedure is included in the lab-instructions.