Computer Networking 1
When sending emails to us, please use instead of our personal emails.
- 20110110 For those who still need an interview for the Sliding Window lab, please book a time slot in the doodle
- 20110107 REMINDER: Deadline for resubmissions of practical work is 13th Jan 2011, we will mark written work directly after the submission date and have inteviews on the 17th Jan. Link to doodle for booking interviews will appear here soon
- 20101019 New interview times for the Sliding Window assignment will be advertised for those who missed out in the last round. Due to the fact that we are currently grading the other assignments and exams we will have these interviews on Monday 25th of October.
- The deadline for re-submission of the routing lab is Sunday, October 24, 2010, 23:59. Please leave your re-submissions at the postbox 50, Polacksbacken floor 4, house 1. Important: Hand in your revised solution along with the original solution that was graded K!
- You can pick up the corrected routing labs from the shelf outside room 1346 (house 1, 3rd floor)
- Past exams can be found here.
- Lab and assignment instructions released, please see the "Labs" link in the side menu
Lecturer: Arnold Pears
Teaching Assistants: Frederik Hermans and Ioana Rodhe
The first lecture in the course is at 13.15 on Tuesday the 31st of August in room 2247
The majority of the basic course information is accessable from the menu on the left of the screen.
You should also check the Student Portal regularly for course announcements and other information.
Welcome to the course
Either of the following books, in either soft or hard cover is suitable for the course.
James Kurose and Keith Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach", 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Copyright 2008, ISBN-10: 0321497708
James Kurose and Keith Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach", 5th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Copyright 2010, ISBN-10: 0136079679
Reading Tips
Approximate topic breakdown for the lectures and a general overview of
recommended reading is available below.