Computer Networks III
Spring 2011
Schedule | Course description | Seminars | Projects | Term paper | Presentation Day | Instructors | Internal | Studentportalen |News archive
The course grades are now accessible on the internal pages. Very good grades .
All term papers and project documentations are now available on the internal page.
Do not forget to fill in a course evaluation.
The Datakom III presentation days are now under preparation and the schedule will appear under the link Presentation day. On Monday May 30, we will have paper presentations from 0830 to 1230. On Tuesday May 31, we will have project demonstrations and demos from 0830 to 1600. ALL presentations Monday is mandatory for ALL authors of papers. It is optional for project teams. ALL demos Tuesday is mandatory for EVERYONE. If you have a serious time conflict (i.e. another exam), please let us know the conflict time so that we can schedule your presentation accordingly.
Due to large number of students, seminars A and C have been extended. New seminar times are: April 5, 14-17 and April 8, 10-12, 13-14 respectively. The lecture for April 5, 14-15 will be Pol_1145.
Signing up for the seminars:
Apparently, there are some problems with signing up for the seminars. For those of you who have not been able to sign up yet: Please send an e-mail to, in which you state your name and your with your first and second preference. The e-mail needs to have the subject: DKOM3 Seminar Signup. We will then manually update the system once it's up and running again.
If you have already signed up successfully, please do not send a mail.
Important about seminars. This applies to ALL students, inluding WCNES students. There is a new link to Studentportalen for seminar sign-up. If you signed up at the old link you may need to redo it again. Please check.
The deadline for proposing a project/term paper and/or a team is March 8, 08:00.
Please sign up for a seminar.
The course starts March 3, 13-15, Room Pol_1311 with an introduction to projects and term papers. First seminar is March 23.
You may want to plan your project or term paper already before the first meeting of March3. Please read the course web pages for instructions.