Computer Networks III
Spring 2013
| Schedule | Course description | Projects | Term paper | Presentation Day | Instructors | Internal | Studentportalen |News archive
The course grades for students registered on the Computer Networks III course are now available on Studentportalen. The grades for the WCNES students will be announced elsewhere, see the WCNES course pages. In general the grades are very high - corresponding to the excellent projects and papers.
Please fill in the course evaluation
Deadline for project reports is June 3.
Best presentation award goes to: Breezehome
Note - all paper and project presentation will take place May 28, 10-17, at Pol_2446. Check your time slot. Participation is mandatory during project demonstrations 11.15 to 17.00.
The Internal page is now available. Here you can find the grading principles, examples of reports and presentations and the project team compositions.
It looks like we can have all presentations on one day instead of two days, tentatively May 28, 10-17. Send an email to the main instructor if you a conflict for that day.
Project selection is progressing quickly. Projects 1, 2 and 4 are filled up. There are still spaces available in project 5. Projects 3, 6, 7 and 8 are available but need complete teams to start. For more status information, see page Projects. All paper topics are still available.
The course starts March 21, 13-15, Room Pol_2446 with an introduction to projects and term papers. If you can not come to the course start you need to: 1) Send an email to the instructor saying that you intend to follow the course, 2) Carefully read the web pages so that you can register for a project or term paper.
You may want to plan your project or term paper already before the first meeting. Please read the course web pages for instructions.