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Department of Information Technology

Embedded Systems Project

This project course is given in partnership with inbyggda system (teacher: Lars Ericsson).

The goal of such a project, for the concern of the IT departement, is the team-working and project management.

What should be done?

Continuous reporting

Set up a blogg system and write in it regularly. Include an user for the teachers in order to see your progress. (Example: Wordpress or Blogger are easy to use)


Quality doesn't only correspond to quantity. Your report should be readable, easy to understand and relevant for the topic. (Tip: Follow the given template (in swedish)). A honest solution is structurally and code-wise simple and contains no greater conceptual difficulties. You can with pleasure be creative in your project as long as you can motivate your decisions.


You simply show what you have done. Not only the technical details but also the hidden work behind your prototype (organization, team-work, workflow, planning, milestones,...). A demo of your prototype should also be included. Be ready to answer questions about your work and organization.



  • Before May 5th: Start your reporting system
  • June 5th: Final Report
  • June 5th: Presentation day

You can hand in a draft (in PDF format) for preview if you want direct feedbacks from the teachers and to have time to read your draft, we could agree on 3 days before the deadline. Of course, you're welcome in general to hand in the report earlier :D

The same report could apply for both courses.

Lecture notes

process management & team working

About Belbin's test

Lycka till and have fun!

Wanna see what the others are doing? See their blog!

Gr Members Blog link
1 Marcus Fredriksson, Per Linde, Christian Lindqvist
2 Johanna Hamnström, Joachim Nilsson, Edvin Sundberg
3 Henning Hellkvist, Andreas Sembrant, Peter Vestberg
4 Simon Bertilsson, Niclas Evestedt, Sara Hedfors no blog
5 Henrik Jacobsson, Andreas Pehrson, Dennis Sandmark
6 Martin Björling, Erik Bohlin, Mikael Gerhardsson
7 Erik Hedberg, Anders Lisspers, Rohith Menon
8 Björn Lindelöf, Erik Löthman, Kristian Samuelsson
9 Mikael Bengtsson, Martin Englund, Torbjörn Svangård
10 Markus Jonsson, Martin Wrangenby, Fredrik Wärnsberg
11 Tim Eriksson, Peter Jönsson, Adam Viklund
12 Andreas Olsson, Henric Salomonsson, Mattias Sjöström
13 Joachim Andersson, Johan Lindbom Byggnings, Kenny Pussinen
15 Olle Pettersson, David Gichangi Axelsson, Anders Vennergrund

Updated  2008-06-22 19:27:22 by Frédéric Haziza.