Applied Finite Element Methods(http://www.it.uu.se/edu/course/homepage/fem/ht16)Finite element solution of some PDE's Objectives
In this course you will learn the basic knowledge of
the theory, practice and implementation of finite
element methods to the partial differential equations
of physics and engineering sciences. The main purpose
is to give a balanced combination of theoretical and
practical skills. The theory part gives you knowledge
on the derivation of finite element formulations, a
priori and a posteriori error estimates, methods and
algorithms of adaptive mesh refinements, computer
implementations of the finite element discretizations:
element matrices, assembly process, numerical
integration, local mesh refinement, etc. The
practical part of the course helps you to learn to
program finite element discretizations in Matlab in 1D
and 2D. You will also learn to solve realistic partial
differential equations in the open source
computational science software
Syllabus in pdfTeachers
Murtazo Nazarov
Room: 2421 Phone: 018-471 6287 E-mail: murtazo(DOT)nazarov(AT)it(DOT)uu(DOT)se Office hours: Tuesdays 9:00-10:00, or by appointments Assistant: Hanna Holmgren Room: 2404 Phone: 018-471 2978 E-mail: hanna(DOT)holmgren(AT)it(DOT)uu(DOT)se Office hours: Mondays 14:00-15:00, or by appointments Textbook
Course content
There will be 12 lectures, 7 exercise classes, and 4 laborations.
There will one mandatory project and one written exam.
Project: 2 points Final: 3 points Scholastic Dishonesty
Students may work together and discuss the homework problems with
each other. Copying work done by others is an act of scholastic
dishonesty and will be prosecuted to the full extent allowed by
University policy. For more information on university policies
regarding scholastic dishonesty, see the University of Uppsala's
policy at
http://www.it.uu.se/edu/fusk.pdf .
Students with Disabilities:
According to the University regulation all students with
disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for
reasonable accommodation of their disabilities.
If you need help or want to get more information about it please
contact the University of
services for students with disabilities.