Functional Programming I
Uppsala University, Sweden
Labs and Assignments
I will supervise 5 labs of 2 hours in Unix lab 1515 or 1549D in
building 1 of
The initial lab aims at familiarisation with the SML/NJ language and
programming environment. The last 4 labs each aim at personal support
while completing and improving solutions to one of the
mandatory 4 assignments.
Attendance at the labs is highly recommended.
Also, without significant, constant practice and feedback, it is
provably very hard to prepare properly for any exam.
All programs, with optional test data, should be submitted in one
file and submitted by the deadline. Your file must
compile and execute when submitted to the Standard ML of New Jersey
implementation, version 110.59 (or 110.0.7), installed on the
university Unix network.
Submitting solutions
Here are the rules about submitting solutions to the assignments:
- The assignments must be solved individually.
- Submit your solution by email to me (Sven-Olof). You can also show
the solution at the lab.
- The submission of an acceptable solution to an assignment
earns you a godkänd (G) grade for that assignment.
Otherwise, you earn a komplettering (K) grade for that
assignment. To be acceptable, a solution must be complete,
working, and have an appropriate layout.
The solution is also expected to conform with functional programming style.
- If you get a K grade for an assignment, the solution is not
passed and you must submit an
improved solution during the period where the course
takes place.
- All submitted solutions must be prepared by yourself: see the
ethics rules of this course.
- Students from previous years who have not collected all the G
grades for their assignments should contact the instructor, with
complete details about their case.
- New: Always put your name on each file that you submit as
part of a solution.