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Department of Information Technology

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction, 5p

This is the English version of the course for exchange students

The course generally consists of the following parts:

  • Lectures
  • Group assignment
    • Written report
    • Oral presentation
  • Supplement assignment
  • Exam


  • RESULTS EXAM, 12 June
  • EXAM, 12 June, Polacksbacken, 08.00-11.00 (three hours)
  • 8 april: Exam results
  • 7 mars: The room for the presentations are moved to 1311 due to the fire in building 2.
  • 19 february: Elina Eriksson will be present at the university on the 26th of February and the 1st of March. Send a mail and book an appointment if your group needs supervision.
  • 19 february: The first supervision has been, and no English spoken students were present. The next supervision is on Friday 23d of February. Please come if your group need help or have any questions.
  • 13 february: All master-students have been divided into groups. You should have gotten a mail about this, otherwise contact Elina Eriksson immediately.


Corresponding lectures in English are given on the "net-version" of the course, given last semester. English speaking exchange students are to follow these lectures (just the lectures, nothing else on that web site). Please note that just reading these lectures is not enough. References to the course literature in each lecture are also very important to take part of!

Group assignment

All lectures should be taken before the practical work with the group assignment begins. Although, preparing work should be initiated as soon as possible. Information about the assignments is given 25 January, 10.15-10.30 room 1211,
More about the group assignment here.

Supplement assignment

You will also need to write a report on the theme "The structure of moral computers"
The report shall be written individually and it must contain at least 2 000 words.
For this you need to study a compendium that you can buy from UTH-gården but you may also use other relevant sources.
Use your own ideas. Do not recapitulate the compendium!
The report must be delivered to Iordanis on printed paper not later than 12 March 2007.
For more information please contact Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos.


The exam is written 12 March, 15.00-20.00, Polacksbacken. An example of a previous exam can be found here.

Course book

Benyon, D., Turner, P. and Turner, S. (2005). Designing interactive systems: People, activities, contexts, technologies. ISBN: 0-321-11629-1.


Day Date Time Room Theme, teacher
23/1-27/2 Individual studies of lectures net-course
Thursday 25/1 10.15-10.30 P1211 Introduction group assignment, Elina
Monday 5/2 15.00 - Deadline specifikation group assignment
Monday 12/2 15.00 - Deadline for plan
Monday 19/2 10.15-12.00 Häggsalen Supervision, Elina
Friday 23/2 10.15-12.00 P1211 Supervision, Elina
Wednesday 7/3 13.15-15.00 P2446 Oral presentation for Swedish groups, Elina
Thursday 8/3 10.15-12.00 P2446 Oral presentation, Elina
Monday 12/3 15.00-20.00 Polacksbacken Exam, Supplement report
Friday 16/3 15.00 - Deadline written group assignment report to Elina

Updated  2007-06-29 18:04:43 by Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos.