Assignment 1: Homepage
The first assignment is to publish your own webpage and write a presentation (in english) of your self. Write shortly about:
- who you are
- what you do
- your relation to HCI, including:
- What parts in HCI do you du like (or not) and why?
- How do you think you will work with HCI or in other ways be affected by HCI in the future?
In order to do the assignment you shall read at least lecture 1 and chapter 1 (pp 5-28) in Benyon (the main textbook). Your text shall contain at least 500 words.
You shall direct the presentation to your fellow students and us teachers. The web page will also be used for publishing the rest of your assignments.
To submit your assignment, include a link to your homepage in an e-mail to Mikael Laaksoharju and he will publish the link and your mail address on the student status page. The course web page containing all the homepage links will be password protected. When you have sent Mikael the link he will reply to you with the password.
Please note:
- If you don't say anything else in the submission of this assignment 1, you agree with that we will publish your name, mail address, web address and grades in the forthcoming assignments and exam on the password protected student status page. If you do not agree on this, please let us know.
- When you have submitted your assignment 1 you will get the password to the student status page.
More about creating webbpages on the course information page.