What is important to read?
Everything beneath required reading here on this page and in each lecture is mandatory to read, i.e. it makes the basic reading for the final exam.
Links and text beneath optional reading is not formally mandatory reading, but necessary to attain a deeper knowledge in the area.
Required reading
Main Textbook
The main literature for the course is Benyon, D., Turner, P. and Turner, S. (2005). Designing interactive systems: People, activities, contexts, technologies. ISBN: 0-321-11629-1.
It is possible to use other basic HCI-books like Human-Computer Interaction by Dix et al. (2004), Human-Computer Interaction by Jenny Preece et.al. or Designing the User Interface by Ben Schneiderman.
- Ethical Competence and Confidence for IT Users and Designers by Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos
- OLE, A tool for evaluating IT with regards to organisation, learning and ethics by Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos * (Swedish version)
- Autonomy method by Mikael Erlandsson and Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos
- IT user learning the role of informal processes by Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos.
Optional reading
- Användarcentrerad systemdesign (2002) by Jan Gulliksen and Bengt Göransson (Chapter 1)
- "To do" gets more attention than "to understand" Pupils' use of ICT in some Swedish classrooms by Jörgen Nissen and Gunilla Jedeskog
- Persona - An Overview by Stefan Blomkvist
- Workspaces enhance effeciency by Lif, Olsson, Gulliksen & Sandblad (from Magnus Lifs dissertation)
- Integrating work environment considerations into usability evaluation methods - the ADA approach by Åborg, Sandblad, Gulliksen och Lif
- Stress - översiktlig teoretisk bakgrund by Carl Åborg
- Arbetsmiljö och hälsa vid bildskärmsarbete by Carl Åborg
- Grafiska användargränssnitt, några tips by Else Nygren
- VR based Techniques & Application by Stefan Seipel
Miscellaneous links
Organizations in the HCI-area
Mostly in Swedish.
- NITA - Nationellt IT-användarcentrum Mötesplats för IT-användarfrågor.
- STIMDI - Sveriges Tvärvetenskapliga Intresseförening För Människa-Datorinteraktion.
Databases and Other Link Libraries
- HCI Bibliography - HCI Resources, Literature, databases and other links.
- HCIRN - Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network.
Usability and Evaluation
- Useit.com Jakob Nielsen's website about usable information technology. Jakob Neilsson is one of few usability experts known outside the usability area and advocates usability engineering. Useit.com contains a lot of articles of mostly usability for the web.
- Jakob Nielsens articles about heuristic evaluation. How do you do? How to conduct a heuristic evaluation
- How many users are needed for an evaluation? Nielsen claims it just has to be five of them. Why You Only Need to Test With 5 Users
- Prototyping:
- Prototyping A research report that summarizes the field.
- Prototyping for tiny fingers. This article contains the explanation about how to build a prototype using paper - a lo-fi prototype.
- A conclusion of different methods for usability evaluation. Usability Evaluation.
- Design guidelines:
- Aqua Human Interface Guidelines for MacOS X
- Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines
- MS Official Guidelines for User Interface Developers and Designers
- Web Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites
- Nielsens most recent 10 guidelines for design of web sites
Interaction Design
- Boxes and Arrows - a peer-written journal dedicated to discussing, improving and promoting the work of bringing architecture and design to the digital landscape: information architecture, information design, interaction design, interface design.
- Goal-directed design och Personas
- Goal-directed design by Alan Cooper.
- User Personas - A short introduction and examples of personas.
- Perfecting your personas by Kim Goodwin
- Bringing your personas to life in real life by Elan Freydenson.
System Development
- Commercial development models:
- RUP is considered as a quite complicated and extensive process. A alternative is Agile modeling , a summary of several more "easy" methods where extreme programming (XP) is the most known.
- About usecases - a important part e.g. RUP
- Understanding use case modeling
- Use-case zone
- Essential use-cases, A another kind of usecases with a more user centered focus.
- Psycological experiments online, Department of Psychology, University of Essex. Online Experiments. Visual Phenomena & Other Psychological Diversions.
IT, stress and arbetsmiljö
(in Swedish)
- Arbetsmiljölagen
- Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens författningssamling
IT och lärande
(in Swedish)
- Utvärderings- och forskningsrapporter rörande den svenska skolan och IT: [1]
- Skolverkets hemsida [2]
- ItiS (IT i skolan) [3]
- KK-stiftelsens initiativ till ett nationellt forskningsprogram om Lärande och IT (LearnIT).