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Department of Information Technology

What is important to read?

Everything beneath required reading here on this page and in each lecture is mandatory to read, i.e. it makes the basic reading for the final exam.

Links and text beneath optional reading is not formally mandatory reading, but necessary to attain a deeper knowledge in the area.

Required reading

Main Textbook

benyon.jpg The main literature for the course is Benyon, D., Turner, P. and Turner, S. (2005). Designing interactive systems: People, activities, contexts, technologies. ISBN: 0-321-11629-1.

It is possible to use other basic HCI-books like Human-Computer Interaction by Dix et al. (2004), Human-Computer Interaction by Jenny Preece or Designing the User Interface by Ben Schneiderman.


Optional reading

Miscellaneous links

Organizations in the HCI-area

Mostly in Swedish.

Databases and Other Link Libraries

  • HCI Bibliography - HCI Resources, Literature, databases and other links.
  • HCIRN - Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network.

Usability and Evaluation

  • Prototyping:

Interaction Design

  • Boxes and Arrows - a peer-written journal dedicated to discussing, improving and promoting the work of bringing architecture and design to the digital landscape: information architecture, information design, interaction design, interface design.

System Development

  • Commercial development models:
    • RUP is considered as a quite complicated and extensive process. A alternative is Agile modeling , a summary of several more "easy" methods where extreme programming (XP) is the most known.


IT, stress and arbetsmiljö

(in Swedish)

IT och lärande

(in Swedish)

  • Utvärderings- och forskningsrapporter rörande den svenska skolan och IT: [1]
  • Skolverkets hemsida [2]
  • ItiS (IT i skolan) [3]
  • KK-stiftelsens initiativ till ett nationellt forskningsprogram om Lärande och IT (LearnIT).

Updated  2008-03-07 12:40:46 by Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos.