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Department of Information Technology

UML Software

You are allowed to use any software for drawing UML diagrams as you like (or even draw them by hand, if it is legible). A comprehensive list of editors can be found in Wikipedia. There are extensions to Eclipse and NetBeans to draw UML diagrams, and a wealth of freeware alternatives such as ArgoUML, BoUML and Dia, or more costly ones like Rational Rose or OmniGraffle.

Kent uses the community edition of Visual Paradigm. BoUML and ArgoUML are pretty straigthforward. ArgoUML works on a multitude of platforms, but sometimes exporting vectorised diagrams is difficult (the program generate bogus output). Dia is available both for Linux and Windows, and can be installed via MacPorts on OS X. We will use UML 2.0. Not all tools support it. If your tool does not, it is not the end of the world.

Umbrello is a Linux only tool (KDE) that works pretty smooth and exports to PDF.

Updated  2012-08-23 15:08:23 by Kent Saxin Hammarström.