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Department of Information Technology



The handins should be solved individually and handed in before deadline in John's mailbox (Building 1, Floor 4).

Correct solutions to the handins, before the deadline, gives you a bonus at the exam.

No solution will be corrected after deadline.

Make a front page with your name, personal number, the name of the course and your main e-mail address and attach it to your solutions.

If you do not have an excellent handwriting, please use a text editor, TEX, or any word processor. Answers can be given in Swedish or English.

  • Handin 1: Process | Deadline 2008-02-11 10:00
  • Handin 2: Memory | Deadline 2008-02-22 10:00
  • Handin 3: File+Disk Essay | Deadline 2008-03-06 15:00

These are mandatory assignments.

These are to be solved individually or in pairs and handed in to John's mailbox (Building 1, Floor 4).

  • Lab 1: UNIX Shell | Deadline 2008-02-12 17:00
  • Lab 2: Dining philosophers | Deadline 2008-02-26 17:00

Updated  2008-02-18 18:28:19 by Frédéric Haziza.