News about the course
- 2011/05/30: Status of the projects? Please report back by sending a short mail to Philipp Ruemmer with your status; do you need further supervised lab sessions, assistance, etc.?
- 2011/05/09: Reminder: you need to register if you want to take part in the exam on May 24th!
- 2011/05/03: A driver for the touch screen of the development boards used in the project
- 2011/04/25: Added a page with information on the exam
- 2011/04/18: Added guest lecture by Jakob Engblom to the schedule (May 5th, 10:15)
- 2011/04/18: Added a page on the embedded systems project.
- 2011/04/14: Part of the hardware for the project is available now: boards STM3210C-Eval, which are essentially equivalent to the boards mentioned in the slides from lecture 16. What is still missing is the programmer/debugging connector, which should arrive within the next days
- 2011/04/13: Lecture at 10:14 on April 14th, 1245
- 2011/04/08: Since several students expressed interest in more detailed grading for the project work, I discussed the overall grading for the course with Mats Daniels; we ended up with the grading scheme discussed in the "grading" section below. Note that the grading does in fact not differ from what was said in the beginning of the course, only that the way in which the overall course grade is determined is specified in more detail. Feedback/opinions are welcome
- 2011/03/24: In the student portal, we use the following "codes" when reporting the progress for the 4th assignment:
Code | Explanation |
"Not participated" | assignment not handed in |
"Completed" | handed in, 12 points were achieved |
"Work pending" | handed in, less than 12 points |
This was necessary since the case "handed in, but not passed" is apparently not considered in the portal. "Work pending" does not mean that you have to do any further work for the 4th assignment, but that you will have to pass the 5th or 6th assignment (since you will have to pass at least 4 assignments altogether).
- 2011/03/23: Extended deadline for 6th assignment to Mar 30th
- 2011/03/18: There will be a lecture on Wednesday, March 23rd, to introduce the projects done in the second half of the course (see the lecture table below for more infos)
- 2011/03/18: Put the 6th (and last) assignment online. The deadline of this assignment is March 25th
- 2011/03/04: Extended deadline for the 5th assignment to March 14th
- 2011/02/24: Put the 5th assignment online. Due to an upcoming seminar (and possibly exams), the deadlines for the 5th and 6th assignment are chosen rather late in March; you are encouraged to submit your solutions at an earlier point if you have time.
- 2011/02/11: To make the correction of assignments more transparent, we decided to give points for the individual questions from now on. This will be done starting with the 4th assignment; the assignment sheet has been updated accordingly (the questions of the assignment have not changed). Assignments as a whole will still only be graded pass/fail. Since the 4th assignment has already been online since yesterday, we also decided to extend the deadline for the assignment to Friday, Feb 18th.
- 2011/02/10: 4th assignment is online
- 2011/02/08: Some changes to the course structure: there will only be one lab (the elevator lab); the second lab will be skipped and partly integrated into the remaining 3 assignments. At the same time, the deadline for the elevator lab has been extended by two weeks to Friday, February 25th.
- 2011/01/28: Most lectures from now on will take place in a larger lecture hall (1211, 1311)
- 2011/01/27: The second assignment is online
- 2011/01/26: Lab 1 is now online. We will add information on how to submit solutions shortly. The deadline for submitting solutions is February 11th
- 2011/01/24: uVision is now installed centrally on the lab computers in G:\Programs\Keil; no need to download it individually any more
- 2011/01/20: There will be a supervised lab session tomorrow: Friday Jan 21st, 8:15 - 10:00, room 1313. This session will be used to give support for the first assignment. We plan to put the description for the actual first "lab" of the course online on the weekend.
- 2011/01/20: A forum for the course has been set up at Studentportalen (you have to log in to access the forum). Please use this forum for all course-related questions.
- 2011/01/19: We found out that there is actually a list where students are supposed to sign during the first lecture (only that the list originally went to the wrong teacher). Please sign during the lecture today (Jan 19th), or drop by office 1218 before Thursday evening (Jan 20th)!
- 2011/01/19: The first assignment is online.