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Department of Information Technology

Schedule with approximate contents

Room Bookings (follow the link) The material for the lecture can be found here.

Date Time Content Material Remark
22/01 13:15 Orientation, C-Recap slides External material: C-Recap
24/01 13:15 Intro to Free RTOS slides/examples class replaces exercise
28/01 13:15 Inter task communication slides/examples ARM
31/01 10:15 Interrupt handling / Intro to Dev. boards slides/examples Assignment 1 is due this week
04/02 13:15 Resource Management slides/examples Assignment 2 is due this week
05/02 15:15 Exercises - Assignment 1 solutions
06/02 13:15 Multi-tasking, Memmory Mmgt. slides/examples Assignment 3,4 will come out
11/02 10:15 Memory Protection Unit slides/examples
13/02 10:15 Fixed Point Arithmetic slides/examples read by Philipp Ruemmer, Labs starting
18/02 10:15 Virtual Memory Mmgt. slides see reading advice
20/02 10:15 Virtualization slides Binary Translation, Trap & Emulate, Paravirtualization (see reading advice)
25/02 13:15 Virtualization slides Intel VT, Interrupts, IO Devices (see reading advice)
28/02 13:15 Formal Verification: Petri Nets slides Petri Nets: Properties, Analysis and Applications Tadao Murata. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 99, issue 4, April 1989. pp. 541--580, [1]
04/03 10:15 Petri Nets (continued) slides
06/03 10:15 Testing ES slides read by Philipp Ruemmer
15/04 10:15 Intro to Projects slides
29/04 10:15 Initial presentations
13/05 10:15 Mid-term presentations dates for examens
last week May tbd Final presentations & Demos

Updated  2013-04-19 09:56:59 by Kai Lampka.