Program Design
1DL200 (10 h.e. credits)
Popular description (in Swedish)
Beginning with academic year 09/10 this course has been merged with Algorithms and Data Structures I into the new course Program Design and Data Structures.
The course material is in Swedish only.
Course Homepage | Teacher | Course Code | Name | Program |
Läsår 09/10 Period 2 | Lars-Henrik Eriksson | 1DL200 | Program Design, 10 hp | DV, IT |
Läsår 08/09 Period 2 | Lars-Henrik Eriksson | 1DL200 | Program Design, 10 hp | DVK, IT |
Läsår 07/08 Period 2 | Lars-Henrik Eriksson | 1DL200 | Program Design, 10 hp | DVP, IT |
Previous years
Course Homepage | Teacher | Course Code | Name | Program |
Before 2007 this course was called Program Design I on the IT-programme och Methods of Programming DV1 on DVP (the old "magister" program in computer science).
Home page |
Läsår 06/07 |
Läsår 05/06 |
Läsår 04/05 |
Läsår 03/04 |
Läsår 02/03 |