Assignment 3: Word statistics with linked lists

Preparations: Net lesson 5 with material about linked lists.
Examination: Orally in the computer lab no later than December 14, 2020.

The same problem as assignment 2 for grade 3 but the words should be stored in a sorted linked list.

Sample output: List illustration:
Array 2 EOF 2 Linked 2 List 1 NULL 4 Node 4 Unsorted 1 add 3 array 1 buffer 7 c 7 char 9 cons 2 count 2 ctype 1 d 2 else 2

Work flow

  1. Write the declarations for list nodes containing a word pointer, an int for the frequency and a pointer to the next node.
  2. Write a constructor function for list nodes.
  3. Write an add function that searches the list for a word. If the word is found, its frequency should be updated. If not, it should be created in such way that the list stays sorted.
    Hint: Look at the section "A sorted list" in lesson 5.
  4. Write a print function for word lists.
  5. Run with your program as input.

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