List of active projects
Project #1: Investigating three HPEC algorithms on the Fermi GPU architecture for simulation and embedded systems
- Company/Inst.: High Performance Consulting (hpc
- Supervisor: Ian Wainwright (
- Team: Tobias Skoglund ( *** Individual project
- Company/Inst.: University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Busines (UCB Haas home
- Supervisor: Johan Walden ( and Han Ozsoylev, University of Oxford
- Team: Andreas Kieri (, Joakim Saltin (
Project #3: Investigation of the possibilities of distributing computations to web browsers and Android devices
- Company/Inst.: Department of Information Technology , Uppsala University (IT
- Supervisor: Martin Tillenius (
- Team: Anders Hommerberg ( and Jonas Westman (
Project #4: Clustering in Visual Predictive Checks, as required by FDA
- Company/Inst.: Uppsala University
and AstraZeneca Södertälje
Pharmacometrics groups
- Supervisor: Kajsa Harling ( and Anders Viberg
- Team: Niklas Olofsson (, Christian Sonehag (, Rasmus Simander (
Project #5: Optimisation of finite difference coeffcients for quantum molecular dynamics
- Company/Inst.: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University (IT
- Supervisor: Emil Kieri,
- Team: Marzieh Farzamfar (, Cong Wang (
Project #6: Evaluation of turbulence models for the simulation of turbulent boundary layers and channel flow
- Company/Inst.: Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI
- Supervisor: Mattias Liefvendahl (
- Team: Gabriel Furlan (, Shiraz Farouq (
Project #7: Implementation, adaptivity, and efficiency in complex fluid flow problems
- Company/Inst.: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University (IT
- Supervisor: Stefan Engblom (
- Team: Juan Carlos Cabarcas (
Project #8: From gradients to surfaces
- Company/Inst.: Schlumberger Information Solutions, Oslo, Norway (SIS
- Supervisor: Victor Aarre (
- Team: Basel Aiesh (
Project #12: Energy storage in a reservoir of melt sodium
- Company/Inst.: Department of Information Technology , Uppsala University (IT
- Supervisor: Ken Mattsson (
- Team: Vincent Larribe ( *** Individual project
Project #13: Phase-field simulations of cemented carbide inserts
- Company/Inst.: Sandviks FoU Västberga
- Supervisor: Henrik Strandlund (
- Team: Kristina Wessén ( *** Individual project
Project #14: Sound propagation over large scale irregular terrain
- Company/Inst.: Department of Information Technology , Uppsala University (IT
- Supervisor: Ken Mattsson (
- Team: Martin Almqvist *** Individual project
Project #17: Implementation of an automatic image interpretation tool for Petrel
- Company/Inst.: Schlumberger Information Solutions, Oslo, Norway (SIS
- Supervisor: Sergio Courtade (, Victor Aarre (
- Team: Niklas Borwell (, Klas Eurenius (, Bo Lee (
Project #19: Facies Modeling using Fractals
- Company/Inst.: Schlumberger Information Solutions, Oslo, Norway (SIS
- Supervisor: Sergio Courtade ( , Victor Aarre (
- Team: Fredrik Linden (, Emil Södergren (
Project #21: Stochastic models in molecular biology
- Company/Inst.:|Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University (IT
- Supervisor: Per Lötstedt (
- Team: Siyang Wang (
Project #22: Utilizing sound as a controlling input in an iPhone application
- Company/Inst.: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University (IT
- Supervisor: Marcus Holm (
- Team: Anton Ericson. (, Simon Hagerlind (, Filip Tronnberg (