Course examination
To finish the course, the following tasks have to be fulfilled:
- preparation of a written report on the project in the form of a scientific article;
- oral presentation of the work at a seminar;
- preparation of a poster;
- required participation in course events (according to schedule);
- planning and distributing the work in time and among the team partners, communication within the group, with the supervisor and the course coordinator, meeting deadlines and other organizational tasks that occur while carrying out the work within the project.
All course participants will be graded for their complete work during the course on a scale from 3 (G) to 5 (MVG).
Below you find some more details on the required tasks.
Preparation of a written report in the form of a scientific article
The project work has to be finalized with preparing a scientific report.
The report can be written in Swedish or English, and the choice should be discussed with the project supervisor.
To prepare the report, you should use some document preparation system, such as Word or LaTeX.
Which one to choose is up to your own preferences and experience. In case there are many mathematical expressions in the text, LaTex can be the better choice. For LaTex users with lesser experience, one can obtain a compendiom, entitled "Typsättning av text och matematiska formler med hjälp av LaTeX - En handledning för handfallna" written by Andreas Kähäri. Furthermore, one can use as an example a report written by Michael Thuné which describes how to write scientific articles. The report can be obtained here. The corresponding LaTeX-source file can be downloaded from here. Templates for LaTeX are found here
. An older version in Word can be found here
. Please amend the title and the author(s) (the subtitle is not obligatory).
The text in \rapportnummer{} should read "Project in Computational Science: Report".
The final version of the projects has to be uploaded as a .pdf file on the web at /it/kurs/projektTDB/public_html/ht14/projectN.
Oral presentation of the work at a seminar
The oral presentation techniques are the topic of the lecture given by (the lecturer will be announced soon). After that all groups get the possibility to train shortly in front of a camera and after that watch their own presentation as well as obtain comments from colleagues and the expert.
Your can prepare your final presentation using a presentation technique which best suits you and the work you want to report - OH slides (ask the project coordinator for slides and pens), Powerpoint or similar techniques, based on Latex dokumentation). The presentation of the project has to fit in 20 or 30 min for projects with two or three students. The last 3 minutes are to be left for questions. You should describe the problem, aims, difficulties, methods, models, tools used, numerical results, performance etc.
Preparation of a poster
The lecture on suitable techniques for poster preparation will be given by (the lecturer will be announced soon). After that each group has to prepare a poster to be exposed after the final seminar. Powerpoint turns out to be a suitable tool in this case.
See here for templates. You can find an older template and some explanations here
. Choose English or Swedish, consult your supervisor if needed. The poster should be printed on a special printer and then mounted on the wall for the poster session.
The final version of the posters has to be uploaded as a .pdf file on the web at /it/kurs/projektTDB/public_html/ht14/projectN.