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Department of Information Technology

'Project in Computational Science'

Fall, 2014: Schedule

Course room: 2516

Please note, that occasions marked by '(*)' are compulsory for the participants of the particular project
and occasions marked by '(**)' are compulsory for the participants.

Course end: January 2015

Date Time Place Contents Lecturer/Coordinator
skype Initial meeting project 1 Johan Walden
5.11 10:00 2414b Initial meeting project 4 Katerina Mishchenko
5.11 10:00 2414b Initial meeting project 5 Katerina Mishchenko
4.11 10:15 2414b Initial meeting project 7 Per Lötstedt
3.11 15:30 2414b Initial meeting project 8 Maya Neytcheva, Ali Dorostkar
31.10 Initial meeting project 9 Ken Mattsson
31.10 Initial meeting project 14 Martin Almquist
4.11 9:00 2414b Initial meeting project 15 David Sumpter, Jarmo Rantakokko
5.11 13:00 2415b Initial meeting project 16 David Sumpter, Arianna Bottinelli
Nov XX Progress check (*) Course coordinator
3.12 10:15-12:00 2344 Oral presentation techniques(**) Kristina Lund
5.12 10:15-12:00 1111 Poster presentation techniques(**) Torbjörn Gozzi
8.12 8:55-10:00 2414b Oral presentation training Project 4 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
8.12 10:25-11:50 2414b Oral presentation training Project 1 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
8.12 13:00-14:05 2414b Oral presentation training Project 5 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
8.12 14:05-15:10 2414b Oral presentation training Project 8 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
8.12 15:30-16:35 2414b Oral presentation training Project 9 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
9.12 8:55-10:00 2414b Oral presentation training Project 14 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
9.12 10:25-11:50 2414b Oral presentation training Project 7 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
9.12 13:00-14:05 2414b Oral presentation training Project 15 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
9.12 14:05-15:10 2414b Oral presentation training Project 16 (*) Kristina Lund, Course coordinator
15.12 10:15-12:00 2344 Writing a scientific report, some requirements; on the use of English language (**) Slides ([1]) Maya Neytcheva
11.01 23:59 Deadline to send all posters to the course coordinator as .pdf files Course coordinator
12.01 Printing all posters(*) Course coordinator
13.01 09:30-10:30 4308 Mounting of the posters(**) All students, Course coordinator
13.01 14:30-15:30 4308 Poster session(**) All students, Course coordinator

14.01, Room 2446, Final presentations(**)

Date Time Place Contents Participants
14/01 08:50-08:55 2446 Opening (**) All students and supervisors
14/01 08:55-09:25 2446 Project 1, 'Big Data: Measuring information diffusion about stocks on the Web' (**) All students and supervisors
14/01 09:25-09:45 2446 Project 7, 'Modelling of biochemical networks in cells using Monte Carlo simulations' (**) All students and supervisors
14/01 09:45-10:05 2446 Project 8, 'Using Parallella for Scientific Computing problems' (**) All students and supervisors
10:05-10:25 Break
14/01 10:25-10:45 2446 Project 4, 'A high performance procedure for feasible initial guesses generation for nonlinear optimization' (**) All students and supervisors
14/01 10:45-11:05 2446 Project 5, 'Model Predictive Control tuning based on optimization' (**) All students and supervisors
14/01 11:05-11:35 2446 Project 9, 'Numerical simulation of the nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries equation using SBP in time' (**) All students and supervisors
14/01 11:35-11:55 2446 Project 14, 'Numerical simulation of graphene' (**) All students and supervisors
14/01 11:55-12:15 2446 Project 15, 'Implementing Current-reinforced random walks for constructing transport networks' (**) All students and supervisors
14/01 12:15-12:35 2446 Project 16, 'Realtime Crowd Crush simulations' (**) All students and supervisors

Jan 31, 2015 -- Finalizing the project report

Updated  2015-09-03 10:55:50 by Maya Neytcheva.