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Department of Information Technology

Grading rules

All course participants will be graded for their complete work during the course on a scale from 3 (G) to 5 (MVG).

The examiner makes an overall assessment of the students achievements and the prepared report using the criteria below. This means that, the overall achievements of a student may fulfill some of the criteria for one grade, but may still be awarded a different grade when all aspects of the work have been considered.


Some of the following has been encountered:

- according to the supervisor, the work is not done or is done in a very unsatisfactory way, for instance because of lack of basic knowledge, lack of good organization and communication with the supervisor or between the team members;

- the poster is not done;

- the oral presentation is not done or is done but no engagement with the project is shown;

- the report is not written or it is too vague, too broad and uninteresting; the structure is not logically organized, the ideas do not develop through the text, there are many repetitions of the same words, ideas or methods appearing on various places, there are many spelling and grammar errors.

Grade 3:

The following has been encountered:

- the supervisor suggests that grade because, even though the time permits, the work is not fully done or is done but not to a satisfactory level; there are omissions that need to be corrected, the students do not take initiative, do not understand the task due to a lack of relevant background and the project needs to be adjusted in order to achieve (partial) results;

- the poster is prepared on time and the students participate in the poster session;

- the oral presentation of the work is done in a clear and organized way;

- the report is written and approved by the supervisor and the course coordinator; the presentation of the results is in general good but not always well structured, there are typos and mechanical errors; the contributions and the novelties are not presented in a clear way, the reader has difficulties to understand what is done, why and how.

Grade 4:

The following has been encountered:

- the supervisor suggests that grade; the work was is done as planned, following the suggestions of the supervisor; good level of organization and communication within the team and with the supervisor is achieved;

- the poster is prepared on time and to a large extent according to the rules and requirements, presented in the lecture on poster presentation; the students participate in the poster session;

- the oral presentation of the work is done in a clear and well-organized way;

- the report is technically correct, well organized and structured, it presents well the idea of the project, is put in perspective with earlier related works, the choice of methods, techniques and programming tools is clearly explained and a discussion on that choice is made; all figures and tables are clearly visible and readable, the scales are seen and explained in a clear way.

Grade 5:

- the supervisor suggests that grade,

- the work is done very well and is thoroughly analyzed, the students have come up with own novel ideas, the organization of the work has been excellent and allowed, for instance for more work than planned to be accomplished;

- the poster is prepared on time and accordingly to the techniques, presented at the lecture; the students participate in the poster session;

- the oral presentation of the work is done in a clear and well-organized way;

- the report has all the qualities for grade 4 but in addition it is interesting to read, one feels the engagement of the authors and their enthusiasm regarding the work they do, they show a broad view of the subject but also detailed knowledge of the topic and can argue about the choices of methods, techniques and tools they use; their own contributions and the novelty of the work are well presented.
Note: It is not required to do more work than planned in order to obtain grade 5.

Remark: The poster and the oral presentation are not graded separately. When the poster does not fulfill the criteria, mentioned in the lecture (size of letters, not too much text etc), the students cannot get grade 5.

Updated  2017-09-18 08:41:29 by Maya Neytcheva.