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Department of Information Technology

Numerical simulations of reaction-diffusion partial differential equations

Solutions of reaction–diffusion (RD) systems present self-organizing properties, common to biological and chemical extended systems. To solve these systems, require highly accurate and stable numerical methods. The numerical simulations can then be utilized to verify the physical/chemical models allowing model parameters to be calibrated with experimental data.

In this project you will solve some of the classical RD partial differential equations using a very accurate finite difference method. You will also do a literature survey of the more recent studies of this field and in particular discuss various applications where these equations emerge. Coupled to this is also the importance of time-integration since these systems are semi-nonlinear and possibly very stiff.

More information:
Ideally you should have taken the course Advanced Numerical Methods or similar.

Contact: Ken Mattsson,

Updated  2022-09-30 17:39:22 by Maya Neytcheva.