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Department of Information Technology

Course overview

The aim of the course is to introduce a special class of time-sensitive computer systems known as real-time systems whose behavior must satisfy timing-constraints (i.e. deadlines). They are often embedded in safety-critical applications such as modern vehicles, process control, and traffic control etc, and therefore they are also known as embedded systems.

In particular, the 5hp course variant covers these topics:

  • Real Time Programming Languages
  • Real-Time Operating Systems
  • Scheduling Theory and Resource Management
  • Worst-Case Execution Time and Response Time Analysis
  • Real-Time Communication and Distributed Systems

The 10hp course variant additionally covers the following advanced topics:

  • Multiprocessor systems
  • Workload models
  • Design and Verification
Updated  2018-08-28 10:33:16 by Syed Md Jakaria Abdullah.