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Department of Information Technology

Automatic Control II/Reglerteknik II 5hp (1RT495)

Autumn 2011

This is the course homepage for the course Automatic Control II/Reglerteknik II 5hp, given for ES5, F4Sy, F5E, STS4, W4 and the master program in Embedded Systems. Here you will find most of the information needed as well as course material for downloading. This course homepage will be updated continuously during the course.
Important! Complementary course material and information will be found at the Student portal (requires course registration for access) --- check there too!

Teachers Course material (web) About the course Old exams Course evaluation(closed)


Information will be posted here continuously. The messages are presented in reverse order, so the most recent post is always on top.

  • Jan 11: The exam of Jan 10, plus solutions, is now available as pdf under 'Old exams' above.new01.gif
  • Nov 11: The exam is now corrected, and the results will be communicated (via e-mail) in the beginning of next week.
  • Oct 24: Today's exam plus solutions is available as pdf under 'Old exams' above.
  • Oct 24: The (web-based) course evaluation is now opened, so please fill in and submit! (Use the link above.)
  • Oct 12: HW2 is now corrected, and your solutions can be found in the hand-out box (next to the hand-in box) on floor 2 in house 2 at ITC (Polacksbacken). A score list is available as a pdf at the Student Portal, in the file area 'Inlämningsuppgifter'/'Homework assignments'.
  • Oct 11: A lab schedule over the process labs is now available as a pdf on the Student Portal, in the file area 'Processlabbar'/'Process labs'.
  • Oct 6: HW1 is now corrected, and your solutions can be found in the hand-out box (next to the hand-in box) on floor 2 in house 2 at ITC (Polacksbacken). A score list is available as a pdf at the Student Portal, in the file area 'Inlämningsuppgifter'/'Homework assignments'.
  • Oct 4: Regarding HW2: There is an error in the m-file 'controllerHW2' that some of you have noticed. A corrected version of the m-file is availabe at the Student Portal. There is also some confusion about matrix dimensions, as a number of you have got a 2 by 4 matrix as state feedback gain, while it should be a row vector. If you define an LTI object 'sys' representing the total system (including the disturbance dynamics) it must have two inputs in a vector, [u v]'. Then, when computing the state feedback gain L, using e.g. 'lqr' or 'lqry', you must make sure that only u is used as a control input. This can be achieved by using 'sys(1)' in these functions.
  • Sept 27: Lab instructions for the process labs will be handed out during the lecture on Thursday September 29.
  • Sept 27: It is now possible to sign up for the process labs. The process labs are compulsory. There are two labs, one 4 hour lab about MPC, and one two hour demo lab about LQG. For group A the labs are in week 41 and for group B they are in week 42. You sign up via the Student Portal.
  • Sept 15: An e-mail has been sent to all registered students, with some information regarding homework assignment I (HW1) as well as some general information - please check your student e-mail account! Regarding HW1: please use English in your solutions.
  • Aug 30: A correction: The deadline for homework assignment II is on Friday October 7, at 15.00 sharp! The pdf:s under 'Course material (web)' are updated with this correct date.
  • The course starts on Tuesday August 30, at 10.15 in Polhemsalen. The course is full - reserves will be registered if vacancies arise.

Updated  2012-01-11 14:17:25 by Hans Norlander.