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Department of Information Technology

Automatic Control II/Reglerteknik II 5hp (1RT495)

Spring 2019

This is the course homepage for the course Automatic Control II/Reglerteknik II 5hp, given for ES4. Here you will find most of the information needed as well as course material for downloading. This course homepage will be updated continuously during the course.
Important! Complementary course material and information will be found at the Student portal (requires course registration for access) --- check there too!


  • May 29: Today's exam, including solutions, is now available as a pdf here under 'Old exams'.
  • May 24: Now HW2 is corrected and graded. You can pick up your solution in the handout box (next to the hand in box) in the corridor on floor 2 in building 2 at ITC. There is a pdf with the results available at the Student portal, in the folder 'Inlämningsuppgifter'/'Homework assignments'. This list also includes your achieved bonus points.
  • May 17: The final lecture (F12, on Tuesday) will be dedicated to repetition and preparation for the exam. A part of that will be problems from the latest regular exam (from October 24, 2018). In the final problem solving session there will be focus on the regular exam from last year (from May 29 2018).
  • May 3: HW1 is now corrected and graded. You can pick up your solution in the handout box (next to the hand in box) in the corridor on floor 2 in building 2 at ITC. There is a pdf with the results available at the Student portal, in the folder 'Inlämningsuppgifter'/'Homework assignments'.
  • May 2: Lecture F10 (on Monday) will be on LQG in the discrete-time case. Preparation: Read Chapter 9.5. Then, on lecture F11 (on Tuesday), we continue with another approach to optimal control, namely MPC (= Model Predictive Control). Preparation: Read Chapter 16.
  • April 25: In the next lecture, F9 (on Thursday), we will start with the final topic in the course, i.e. optimal control. First we will talk about continuous-time LQG control. To be well prepared, read Chapters 9.1-9.3.
  • April 11: Next lecture, F8 (on April 25), will be on optimal observers, ie. the Kalman filter. To be well prepared you should read Chapter 5.7 and pp. 154-159 of 5.8.
  • April 11: Two activities on the Student portal: (i) The mid-course evaluation is now open, (ii) it is now possible to sign up for the process lab in week 20. And you do both of these on the Student portal!
  • April 9: F7 will mainly be on state space models of stochastic processes. To be well prepared you should read Chapters 5.4, 5.6 and pp. 153-154 of 5.8. It is also recommended to have a look in the compendium Random disturbances by Torsten Söderström, which is found on the Student portal.
  • April 4: On F6 (on Tuesday) we will start to discuss disturbance models in terms of stochastic processes. To be well prepared you should read Chapter 5.1-5.3 and and p. 151 of 5.8.
  • April 2: On F5 (on Thursday) the discussion on sampling will continue, and a brief introduction to MIMO systems will be given. In order to be well prepared you should read Chapters 4, 2.1-2.5 and 3.1-3.2.
  • March 27: Next lecture, F3 (on Monday), will be on discrete-time systems. Read Chapters 1.3, 2.6 and 3.7 in the textbook if you want to be well prepared for that! Then, in lecture F4 (on Tuesday), we will continue with sampling and discrete-time representation of continuous-time systems. A good preparation is to read Chapter 4 in the textbook. It is also good to read Chapter 1.3 again ...
  • March 25: In lecture F2 we will continue the repetition we started today. A good preparation is to browse the previous textbook (the blue one, for Reglerteknik I). It is also useful to read Chapters 1.4 and 2.1-2.5 in the present textbook.
  • Course start: Monday March 25, at 15.15 in room 2446, ITC.

Updated  2019-05-29 14:15:54 by Hans Rosth.