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Department of Information Technology

Automatic Control II/Reglerteknik II 5hp (1RT495)

Spring 2017

This is the course homepage for the course Automatic Control II/Reglerteknik II 5hp, given for ES4. Here you will find most of the information needed as well as course material for downloading. This course homepage will be updated continuously during the course.
Important! Complementary course material and information will be found at the Student portal (requires course registration for access) --- check there too!


Information will be posted here continuously. The messages are presented in reverse order, so the most recent post is always on top.

  • June 21: The exam is corrected and graded, and the results should be available very soon.
  • May 31: Now the course evaluation is open. Go to Studentportalen and fill in!
  • May 31: Today's exam, with solutions, is now available as a pdf here on the course homepage, under the link 'Old exams'.
  • May 24: The exam (on May 31) is at Fyrishov, in rooms C & D. There will be signposts on site showing the way to these rooms.
  • May 24: Now HW2 is corrected, and you will find your solution in the handout box. On the Student portal there is a pdf with the results and bonus points. The pdf is in the file area 'Inlämningsuppgifter'/'Homework assignments'.
  • April 20: HW1 is now corrected and graded. You can pick up your graded solution in the hand-out box, marked 'Reglerteknik II UT' (next to the hand-in box). There is a pdf with the results on the Student portal, in the file area 'Inlämningsuppgifter'/'Homework assignments'.
  • April 5: It is now possible to sign up for the mandatory process lab. This is done via the Student portal.
  • Course start: Monday March 20 at 10.15 in room 2001, Ångström.

Updated  2017-06-21 16:03:12 by Hans Rosth.