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Department of Information Technology

Incomplete handins

The following handins lacked valid signatures or assurances, and need to be re-sent before your results can be reported.

Please send the handins by email to (signed, including the standard assurance), or as paper copies (signed manually) in mailbox 101, fourth floor of bldg 1 (Björn Victor).

Name Missing
Dwarkanath Mukunda PM: assurance missing
Hassan Farrukh A3: assurance missing, A4: invalid sig
Lu Hai Loc PM: assurance missing
Lucea Anaya Jose Manuel A3: Invalid sig
Monshipouri Shahram A2: Invalid sig, PM: assurance missing
Odiyo Benjamin Okoth A4: No signature, PM: assurance missing
Ramqvist Christoffer PM: assurance missing
Vilhelmsson Magnus A3: No signature

Updated  2006-11-06 16:27:27 by Björn Victor.