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Department of Information Technology

Identity assertion

On Thursday, October 12, we will arrange an identity assertion session for Thawte certificates.

room MIC 1211

Thawte assertion

To get your name in your Thawte certificate, you need to get your identity checked by "Web of Trust notaries", i.e., people trusted by Thawte. Read more about the Web of Trust at Thawte's site.

At the identity assertion session, at least two notaries will be present: Björn, and Lars-Åke Larzon. If you are identified by both, you will get enough trust points to get your name in a certificate.

For the assertion, you need to bring the following, in one copy for each notary (i.e. 2 copies):

  1. This form, where the parts Applicant Information and Statement by Applicant are filled in
  2. A photo-copy of a photo-identity document with the National ID number you used when registering with Thawte (typically your driver's license, passport, etc).

Also bring the original photo-identity document!!

The notaries will check your identity against the identity document, and the document against the form, and later enter the data in Thawte's system. After some delay, the trust points are added to your Thawte identity.

You must also look up the notaries in Thawte's Web-of-Trust directory and allow them to see your details. Even if you have filled in the form on paper, you must do this before the notaries can enter the assertion into Thawte's system.

  1. go to,
  2. click Login,
  3. click "Find a notary", "View notary map",
  4. search for "Uppsala", select "Uppsala, Sweden" (not "Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden")
  5. click
    • "Allow Björn Ingemar Frans Victor to view your details"
    • "Allow Lars-Åke Larzon to view your details"

After the assertion

After your trust points have been recorded in the Thawte system, you can request new certificates, which will include your name!

  1. Log in to the Thawte site
  2. Request a new certificate
  3. When it has been issued, download and install it (see the FAQ)
  4. Depending on your email client, you may have to
    • select the new certificate as your default one
    • un-install your old certificate on MacOS X only, and after verifying that you need to do that!
  5. In general, never delete an old certificate, since this prevents you from reading mail encrypted using your old certificate.

Try sending signed email to your friends, which also automatically updates their copy, so they use the new one in case they send you encrypted email!

Updated  2006-10-19 20:17:12 by Björn Victor.