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Department of Information Technology

Secure computer systems

Do they exist?

How do you construct a computer system where no secrets leak, and where you can be sure nothing is changed without permission?The course Secure computer systems deals with technical aspects of computer security. We cover basic principles and theoretical models for security, and practical examples and applications from operating systems, networks, web and databases. We use secure email throughout the course. You learn to identify weaknesses and strengths in computer security.
The course uses continuous examination. This means there is no traditional final exam - instead, you solve assignments in smaller groups during the course. This gives more direct feedback of the results, and makes it easier and more fun to learn. One of the assignments is to focus on a special interest in security, and write a short essay which is presented orally to the other students.Cryptology is only overviewed - do take the separate course in cryptology, which goes into depth in this area. Prerequisites: 20 credits computer science, including operating systems (computer networking and cryptology are recommended background courses), 15 credit points mathematics. Goals: to understand how secure computer systems are constructed and how they work, both in principle and practice.

Updated  2012-04-24 17:08:49 by Anneli Svensson.