Assessment of theory part
There is no written exam in the course on wireless communication and networked embedded systems. Instead, there is a combination of a discussion seminar, individual reflections and presentation seminars that are used to assess the theoretical part of the course.
Here follows some more information about this.
In order to pass the course, you have to attend the discussion seminar and write some reflections. For higher grades (4 and 5) you also have to attend and present at presentation seminars in the next study period.
The date for the discussion seminar is March 9:th. Students are divided into groups who have discussion seminars for approximately 70 minutes per group. If you get this e-mail, you will automatically be assigned to a seminar group. Groups and the times for each seminar will be announced on the web page later. If there is any particular time during the day of March 9:th when you have a conflict with another course, please send me an e-mail of this no later than February 22:nd.
During the discussion seminar, we will discuss the readings that are included in the course. You will be awarded grade F, 3, 4 or 5 on the seminar. If you fail the seminar, there will be a make-up opportunity during period 4 - more information about that will follow.
Prepare for the seminar by read all the texts that are listed as readings according to the schedule page. You are allowed to bring the texts and your personal nodes to the seminar.
Choose 3 of the articles from the reading list and write a reflection about each of the articles you have chosen. EACH reflection should have the following format:
- One PDF file per reflection with your name as part of the filename
- MAX 1 (one) A4 page in length per reflection
- Name and Personal number at the top
- Short summary of the paper
- Answer to the question: What did you find interesting in this paper?
- Answer to the question: What is the most important with this paper?
- Clear language
- Written in your own words (copy-paste is NOT acceptable)
The reflections are handed in through the file area at studentportalen no later than March 11:th at noon. Late hand-ins are not accepted. Other document formats than PDF are not accepted. Ensure that you meet the requirements above.
Each reflection will be graded "pass" or "fail". For grade "3", you need two with grade "pass", for grade "4" or "5" you need a pass grade on all three.
In period 4, the project part of the course is taught jointly with the course "course networks III" which has some presentation seminars in it. For grade "4" or "5" you need to attend and present at these seminars according to the rules for that course. Normally, this means oral presentation at one occasion and attendance at 1-2 other occasions. More information about these will follow.
If you have passed the discussion seminar and written at least two reflections that receive a "pass" grade you will get course grade "3", provided that you have also completed the lab part of the course.
If you have passed the discussion seminar with at least grade "4", written three reflections that receive a pass grade and participated in the presentation seminars in period 4, you will receive grade "4" or "5". The decision of your course grade takes your overall performance - including the labs - into account.
February 22:nd Report course conflicts for seminar day
March 9:th Discussion seminar
March 11:th Reflection deadline (noon), submit through the portal