Master theses from the Master programme in computer science
Here you find lists of master theses written at the department for IT, by students from the Master programme in computer science.
Other programs: Bach. in computer science, Systems in technology and society, Msc in IT engineering, Master in computer science, Master in human-computer interaction, Master in computational science, Master in Embedded Systems and the complete list.
The Steamroller Programming Language
. Student thesis, supervisor: Lars Oestreicher, examiner: Olle Eriksson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 059, 2014. (fulltext
A reliable SMPP implementation in Erlang
. Student thesis, supervisor: Dragan Havelka, examiner: Karl Markliund, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 045, 2013. (fulltext
Home Location Register (HLR) dedicated for Short Message Service (SMS)
. Student thesis, supervisor: Lars Kari, examiner: Olle Gällmo, Olle Eriksson, IT nr 13 025, 2013. (fulltext
Integration of face processing functionalities into relational database system Mimer SQL
. Student thesis, supervisor: Lars Berg, examiner: Kjell Orsborn, Roland Bol, IT nr 12 021, 2012. (fulltext
Development of an Erlang System Adaopted to Embedded Devices
. Student thesis, supervisor: Jan Nyström, examiner: Mikael Pettersson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 036, 2011. (fulltext
Context Aware File Sharing Protocol Designed for Mobile Devices
. Student thesis, supervisor: Jan Nyström, examiner: Mikael Pettersson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 065, 2011. (fulltext
Adding Special-purpose Processor Support to the Erlang VM
. Student thesis, supervisor: Hans Nilsson, examiner: Mikael Pettersson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 020, 2011. (fulltext
Airspace Sectorisation using Constraint Programming
. Student thesis, supervisor: Pierre Flener, examiner: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 021, 2011. (fulltext
Automatic Modularization in Genetic Programming
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Jim Wilenius, examiner: Ollle Gällmo, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 014, 2011. (fulltext
Rendering Software for Multiple Projectors
. Student thesis, supervisor: Robin Strand, examiner: Ingrid Carlbom, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 081, 2011. (fulltext
Study and Prototyping the New Bank GUI for Klarna
. Student thesis, supervisor: Per Andersson, Torbjörn Törnkvist, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 032, 2011. (fulltext
Approximating the Shuffle of Context-free Languages to Find Bugs in Concurrent Recursive Programs
. Student thesis, supervisor: Mohamed Faouzi Atig, examiner: Parosh Abdulla, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 062, 2011. (fulltext
Autonomous Analysis for Design Analysis: For a better overview and a greater understanding
. Student thesis, supervisor: Mikael Laaksoharju, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 047, 2011. (fulltext
Multimedia Messaging Service Front End for Supplementary Messaging Services
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Lars Kari, examiner: Ivan Christoff, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 016, 2010. (fulltext
Microsoft SQL Server OLAP Solution - A Survey
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Tore Risch, examiner: Kjell Orsborn, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 044, 2010. (fulltext
The Performance of a Relational Database System for a Data Stream Management System Benchmark
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Erik Zeitler, examiner: Tore Risch, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 006, 2010. (fulltext
Bittorent Simulator in Erlang
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Justin Pearson, examiner: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 005, 2010. (fulltext
Thread-Modular Model Checking of Concurrent Programs under TSO using Code Rewriting
. Student thesis, supervisor: Bengt Jonsson, examiner: Parosh Abdulla, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 068, 2010. (fulltext
Predictive Dialing
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Ulf Sahlin, examiner: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 047, 2010. (fulltext
Real-time Collision Detection with Implicit Objects
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Anders Hast, examiner: Bo Nordin, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 009, 2010. (fulltext
IT-stöd för träning av etisk kompetens
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Mikael Laaksoharju, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 041, 2010. (fulltext
Contingency Plans for Air Traffic Management
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Justin Pearson, examiner: Pierre Flener, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 020, 2010. (fulltext
Digital delaktighet i Sverige: Om att inkludera alla i framtidens samhälle
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 023, 2010. (fulltext
Användarcentrerad design för att förbättra rapporter i kvalitetsregister
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Botond Pakucs, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 046, 2010. (fulltext
Verifying Psi-calculi
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Jesper Bengtson, examiner: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 052, 2010. (fulltext
Evaluation of Inlining Heuristics in Industrial Strength Compilers for Embedded Systems
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Jan-Erik Fahlin, examiner: Sven-Olof Nyström, IT nr 09 004, 2009. (fulltext
Teknologier för fordonsdiagnostik
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Anders Svedberg, examiner: Olle Gällmo, IT nr 09 047, 2009. (fulltext
Swarm-Intelligent Localization
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Edith Ngai, examiner: Lars-Åke Larzon, IT nr 09 037, 2009. (fulltext
Evaluation and Improvement of Image Acquisition and Processing Methods for the BioNanoLab
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Johan Stenberg, examiner: Bo Nordin, IT nr 09 021, 2009. (fulltext
Java Platform Adaptation for On-Board Computers
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Anders Svedberg, examiner: Arnold Pears, Anders Jansson, IT nr 09 061, 2009. (fulltext
Implementation av FlexRay prototypstack
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Jimmy Westerlund, examiner: Mats Daniels, Alexander Åhman, IT nr 09 022, 2009. (fulltext
Searching Web Feeds from a Functional Database Management System
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Tore Risch, examiner: Tore Risch, Anders Jansson, IT nr 09 035, 2009. (fulltext
Policies and Checkpointing in a Distributed Automotive Middleware
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Detlef Scholle, examiner: Ivan Christoff, IT nr 09 014, 2009. (fulltext
Improving SIR: A Semi-Implicit Root Solver with Particular Applications to Global Solution of PDEs
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Jan Scheffel, examiner: Jan Scheffel, IT nr 09 011, 2009. (fulltext
Mobile Groups in Ad-hoc Networks
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Johan Nielsen, examiner: Erik Nordström, IT nr 09 030, 2009. (fulltext
Webbsystem för matprisjämförelser
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Patrik Sandberg, examiner: Mikael Laaksoharju, Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, IT nr 09 045, 2009. (fulltext
Virtuella vävnadsobjekt för medicinska träningsapplikationer
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Mark Dixon, examiner: Erik Borälv, IT nr 09 046, 2009. (fulltext
Mobilstudio för ShiShi TV
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Klas Eriksson, examiner: Olle Gällmo, IT nr 09 028, 2009. (fulltext
Säkerhetsanalys av Windos Server 2008 i militära system
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Björn Victor, examiner: Ivan Christoff, IT nr 09 037, 2009. (fulltext
Amazing Trace
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Jonas Blomberg, examiner: Sven-Olof Nyström, IT nr 09 006, 2009. (fulltext
Voice Mail System for IP Multimedia Sub-system
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Martin Kjellin, examiner: Mats Daniels, IT nr 08 009, 2008. (fulltext
Contact Center with Mobile Agents
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Ali Nouri, Jonas Flygare, examiner: Olle Gällmo, IT nr 08 032, 2008. (fulltext
Evaluation of the Perforce Source Code Management Tool used in Agile Software Development
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Rick Chen, examiner: Roland Bol, IT nr 08 045, 2008. (fulltext
Video Recording in Mobile Military Systems
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Fredrik Wahlström, examiner: Bo Nordin, IT nr 08 016, 2008. (fulltext
3DIS4U: Design and Implementation of a Distributed Visualization System with a Stereoscopic Display
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Anders Hast, examiner: Ewert Bengtsson, IT nr 08 041, 2008. (fulltext
Användning av realtidsdatabas i diagnostiksystem
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Carl-Magnus Moon, examiner: Tore Risch, IT nr 08 008, 2008. (fulltext
Searching Through Mobile Geo-Tagged Content
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Göran Eriksson, examiner: Justin Pearson, IT nr 08 038, 2008. (fulltext
Mobilt community - Bygga själv eller hjälpa till?: Kommersialisering av en plattform för användardriven karttjänst i mobiltelefoner
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Peter Sjögren, Börje Svensson, examiner: Aletta Nylén, IT nr 08 001, 2008. (fulltext
Connecting SOAR to HLA
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Niklas Wallin, examiner: Bengt Jonsson, IT nr 08 027, 2008. (fulltext
An Evaluation and Improvement of Scania's Fleet Management Portal and its Graphical User Interface
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Peter Nordgren, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, IT nr 08 036, 2008. (fulltext
Design of Class Structures and Inter Class Communication Interface: Computer Methods used in Non-linear Mixed Effects Modeling
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Lars Lindbom, examiner: Olle Eriksson, IT nr 08 004, 2008. (fulltext
OSE och Linux: En studie om prestanda
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Magnus Karlsson, examiner: Ivan Christoff, IT nr 08 037, 2008. (fulltext
Extending a Real-Time Model-Checker to a Test-Case Generation Tool Using libCoverage
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Anders Hessel, examiner: Paul Pettersson, IT nr 08 005, 2008. (fulltext
Website Globalization in Monetary Gaming
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Per Nylund, examiner: Erik Borälv, IT nr 08 021, 2008. (fulltext
Transparent Data Compression and Decompression for Embedded Systems
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Gunnar Blomberg, examiner: Wang Yi, IT nr 08 012, 2008. (fulltext
Mobile Widget Architecture
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Leonid Mokrushin, examiner: Justin Pearson, IT nr 08 043, 2008. (fulltext
Konvertering av CRM-system från ASP till ASP.NET
. Student thesis (Master Programme in Computer Science), supervisor: Pär Löfquist, examiner: Kjell Orsborn, IT nr 08 014, 2008. (fulltext