Exjobb på kandidatnivå i datavetenskap
Här finns exjobb utförda vid IT-institutionen, på kandidatnivå i ämnet datavetenskap och skrivna av studenter på kandidatprogrammet. Fristående examensarbeten ingår inte i denna lista.
Övriga program: DVP, civ.ing. STS, civ.ing. IT, DV master, MDI master, TB master, IS master samt hela listan.
Designing a User Interface Based on a Simulator
. Examensarbete, handledare: Tobias Söderman, examinator: Lars Oestreicher, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 15063, 2015. (fulltext
KeySafe The platform-independent password safe with external security
. Examensarbete, examinator: Johannes Borgström, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 15011, 2015. (fulltext
Compositional Decompilation using LLVM IR
. Examensarbete, handledare: Janka Chlebíková, examinator: Matthew Poole, 2015. (fulltext
Compressing main memory index lists
. Examensarbete, handledare: Thanh Truong, examinator: Tore Risch, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 15059, 2015. (fulltext
Attack on the Chaos Sensor Network Protocol
. Examensarbete, handledare: Kasun Hewage, examinator: Thiemo Voigt, Olle Ga?llmo, IT nr 15028, 2015. (fulltext
Computer aided poker playing
. Examensarbete, handledare: Michael Ashcroft, examinator: Roland Bol, Olle Ga?llmo, IT nr 15057, 2015. (fulltext
NoSQL: Moving from MapReduce Batch Jobs to Event-Driven Data Collection
. Examensarbete, handledare: Bip Thelin, examinator: Kjell Orsborn, Olle Ga?llmo, IT nr 15025, 2015. (fulltext
A New SAT Encoding of Earley Parsing
. Examensarbete, examinator: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 15004, 2015. (fulltext
User interface for e-learning in a virtual environment
. Examensarbete, handledare: Axel Danielsson, examinator: Lars Oestreicher, Olle Ga?llmo, IT nr 15054, 2015. (fulltext
Migrating and governing data in the jungle: A study of migrations and data governance in Seco Tools AB
. Examensarbete, handledare: Anders Dahlberg, examinator: Ahmad Alzghoul, Olle Ga?llmo, IT nr 15022, 2015. (fulltext
Implementation and Evaluation of Smart Training Gear: Measuring and Visualizing Muscle Data in Real Time
. Examensarbete, handledare: Jon Wingård, examinator: Mikael Laaksoharju, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 15065, 2015. (fulltext
Analyzing the impact of data compression in Hive
. Examensarbete, handledare: Erik Zeitler, examinator: Silvia Stefanova, Olle Ga?llmo, IT nr 14074, 2014. (fulltext
Email subscription utility for updates in Dyntaxa.
. Examensarbete, handledare: Gunnar Nyberg, examinator: Silvia Stefanova, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 036, 2014. (fulltext
Actors and higher order functions: A Comparative Study of Parallel Programming Language Support for Bioinformatics
. Examensarbete, handledare: Dave Clarke, examinator: Justin Pearson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 073, 2014. (fulltext
The First Constraint-Based Local Search Backend for MiniZinc
. Examensarbete, handledare: Jean-Noël Monette, examinator: Pierre Flener, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 066, 2014. (fulltext
Airspace Sectorisation Using Constraint-Based Local Search
. Examensarbete, handledare: Pierre Flener, examinator: Jean-Noël Monette, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 047, 2014. (fulltext
GPU-Parallel simulation of rigid fibers in Stokes flow
. Examensarbete, handledare: Stefan Engblom, examinator: Jarmo Rantakokko, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 029, 2014. (fulltext
An Application Tool for Visualizing Research Work on Landslides
. Examensarbete, handledare: Elias Garcia-Urquia, examinator: Silvia Stefanova, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 067, 2014. (fulltext
Digital doggy bag: iPhone applikation som tar med dina mat- och dryckupplevelser
. Examensarbete, handledare: Lars Oestreicher, examinator: Lars Oestreicher, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 010, 2014. (fulltext
Implementing A Network Monitoring Feature In A Multipurpose Device Control Application
. Examensarbete, handledare: Martin Ansrud, examinator: Arnold Pears, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 038, 2014. (fulltext
Deployment and Profiling of L4Re on an ARM Cortex A Platform.
. Examensarbete, handledare: Jonas Flodin, examinator: Kai Lampka, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14068, 2014. (fulltext
Mobile audience response system
. Examensarbete, handledare: Stefan Carlsson, examinator: Lars Oestreicher, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 020, 2014. (fulltext
Advanced Forms and Menus in Web Development: Extending HTML 4.01 by Framework
. Examensarbete, handledare: Love Becker, examinator: Lars Oestreicher, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 061, 2014. (fulltext
Usability Analysis of SmartPaint
. Examensarbete, handledare: Filip Malmberg, examinator: Mats Lind, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 051, 2014. (fulltext
3D rendering and interaction in an augmented reality mobile system
. Examensarbete, handledare: Amen Hamdan, examinator: Anders Hast, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 007, 2014. (fulltext
Profiling-Assisted Prefetching with Just-In-Time Compilation
. Examensarbete, handledare: Alexandra Jimborean, examinator: Konstantinos Sagonas, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 14 051, 2014. (fulltext
A Bird-watching Database System
. Examensarbete, handledare: Silvia Stefanova, examinator: Tore Risch, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 087, 2013. (fulltext
Goal-Oriented Collision-Free Schedule
. Examensarbete, handledare: Per Söderberg, examinator: Olle Gällmo, Olle Eriksson, IT nr 13 026, 2013. (fulltext
Platform-independent indoor positioning system
. Examensarbete, handledare: Kenneth Andersson, examinator: Christian Rohner, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 075, 2013. (fulltext
Snapshot Algorithm Animation with Erlang
. Examensarbete, handledare: Justin Pearson, examinator: Arnold Pears, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 077, 2013. (fulltext
Mobil lösning för intern informationsspridning
. Examensarbete, handledare: Mattias Lyrén, examinator: Olle Eriksson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 043, 2013. (fulltext
Intelligent Online Marketing: Predicting Conversion Rate Of New Keywords
. Examensarbete, handledare: Anders Arpteg, examinator: Michael Ashcroft, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 055, 2013. (fulltext
En iPad-baserad ritningsbehandlare
. Examensarbete, handledare: Måns Ridzén, examinator: Hast Anders, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 032, 2013. (fulltext
En studie av IT-miljön och dess användning inom förskolan
. Examensarbete, handledare: Anette Löfström, examinator: Bengt Sandblad, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 022, 2013. (fulltext
Slumpmässigt genererade nivåer
. Examensarbete, handledare: Simon Tschirner, examinator: Justin Person, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 003, 2013. (fulltext
Implementing dynamic allocation of user load in a distributed load testing framework
. Examensarbete, handledare: Ronnie Kolehmanen, examinator: Justin Pearson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 090, 2013. (fulltext
Designing a distributed peer-to-peer file system
. Examensarbete, handledare: Justin Pearson, examinator: Karl Marklund, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 031, 2013. (fulltext
Sound and Complete Reachability Analysis under PSO
. Examensarbete, handledare: Faouzi Atig Mohamed, examinator: Parosh Abdulla, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 086, 2013. (fulltext
Object recognition using the OpenCV Haar cascade-classifier on the iOS platform
. Examensarbete, handledare: Amen Hamdan, examinator: Anders Hast, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 007, 2013. (fulltext
Real-Time Resource Monitoring for Poly/ML Processes
. Examensarbete, handledare: Tjark Weber, examinator: Justin Pearson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 015, 2013. (fulltext
Smartphone Application Development: Porting existing PC game for multiple platforms
. Examensarbete, handledare: Peter Nordström, Mattias Johansson, examinator: Anders Jansson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 13 078, 2013. (fulltext
Zone-Based Reachability Analysis of Dense-Timed Pushdown Automata
. Examensarbete, handledare: Mohamed Faouzi Atig, examinator: Parosh Abdulla, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 034, 2012. (fulltext
Out of Space. Creating an Interactive Visualization
. Examensarbete, handledare: Mikael Laaksoharju, examinator: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 007, 2012. (fulltext
Dance quantification with Kinect: Adjusting music volume by using depth data from a Kinect sensor
. Examensarbete, handledare: Bengt Sandblad, examinator: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 043, 2012. (fulltext
Pain Diary: Pain Management Platform
. Examensarbete, handledare: Lars Oestreicher, examinator: Roland Bol, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 028, 2012. (fulltext
Adaptive binarization of 17th century printed text
. Examensarbete, handledare: Fredrik Wahlberg, examinator: Anders Brun, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 055, 2012. (fulltext
Programmering av mikrokontroller för styrning av komponenter i ett biokemiskt analysinstrument
. Examensarbete, handledare: Johan Sternberg, examinator: Karl Marklund, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 003, 2012. (fulltext
Utveckling av sociala funktioner på webbsida
. Examensarbete, handledare: Tom Persson, examinator: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 067, 2012. (fulltext
Magpie: Assembly analysis using Mono.Cecil
. Examensarbete, handledare: Fredrik Tjärnberg, examinator: Olle Eriksson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 038, 2012. (fulltext
Performance Comparisons of IP Problem Formulation
. Examensarbete, handledare: Arne Andersson, examinator: Pierre Flener, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 059, 2012. (fulltext
A Peer-To-Peer based chat system
. Examensarbete, handledare: Justin Pearson, examinator: Karl Marklund, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 013, 2012. (fulltext
Webbokning i TeleQ 5
. Examensarbete, handledare: Kristina Engdahl, examinator: Lars Oestreicher, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 052, 2012. (fulltext
Parallelization and performance in simulation of disease spread by animal transfer
. Examensarbete, handledare: Stefan Engblom, examinator: Jarmo Rantakokko, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 002, 2012. (fulltext
Android Map Application
. Examensarbete, handledare: Liam McNamara, examinator: Christian Rohner, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 032, 2012. (fulltext
DANE with OpenSSL: PKIX certificate authentication throughDNS using OpenSSL
. Examensarbete, handledare: Staffan Hagnell, examinator: Christian Rohner, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 027, 2012. (fulltext
Designing Usability in a Customer Relationship Management System
. Examensarbete, handledare: Anders Lisspers, examinator: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 068, 2012. (fulltext
Implementing verification of concurrent systems using Binary Decision Diagrams
. Examensarbete, handledare: Lukas Holik, examinator: Parosh Abdulla, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 036, 2012. (fulltext
Water Retention on Magic Squares with Constraint-Based Local Search
. Examensarbete, handledare: Pierre Flener, examinator: Justin Pearson, Olle Gällmo, IT nr 12 018, 2012. (fulltext
Backbone Solver for Water Retaining Magic Squares via Constraint Baesd Local Search
. Examensarbete, handledare: Pierre Flener, examinator: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 076, 2011. (fulltext
Object-Oriented Development of a Smart Phone Application from an Existing Service
. Examensarbete, handledare: Jonny Lundell, examinator: Olle Gällmo, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 074, 2011. (fulltext
Digital Distance Functions Defined by Sequence of Weights
. Examensarbete, handledare: Robin Strand, examinator: Gunilla Borgefors, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 082, 2011. (fulltext
Log Search: En form av datamining
. Examensarbete, handledare: Kajsa Backman, examinator: Olle Gällmo, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 067, 2011. (fulltext
COMBILOG as a Basis for Visualizing Programming in a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Intervention
. Examensarbete, handledare: Andreas Hamfelt, examinator: Lars Oestreicher, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 038, 2011. (fulltext
Input Format Design and Translator Development for NJOY
. Examensarbete, handledare: Gustav Wallin, examinator: Henrik Sjöstrand, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 031, 2011. (fulltext
Webbaserat kanotbokningssystem: För Friluftsfrämjandet i Uppsala
. Examensarbete, handledare: Mikael Schröder, examinator: Olle Gällmo, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 086, 2011. (fulltext
EIGC Integration with a Web-browser: Voice Communication through a Web-browser
. Examensarbete, handledare: Johan Liljeqvist, examinator: Olle Gällmo, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 078, 2011. (fulltext
Design and Implementation of a MongoDB Driver for Prolog
. Examensarbete, handledare: Justin Pearson, examinator: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 056, 2011. (fulltext
An Android Application for Saving Ideas
. Examensarbete, handledare: Johan Ekhager, examinator: Mats Daniels, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 070, 2011. (fulltext
The Effect of using a Trailing Persistent Array to Embed Logic Programming into a Functional Language
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Rowan Davies, examinator: Konstantinos Sagonas, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 015, 2011. (fulltext
Taking Notes on a Mobile Device: An Unsuccessful Agile Project
. Examensarbete, handledare: Johan Ekhager, examinator: Mats Daniels, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 087, 2011. (fulltext
Analysis and Refactoring of the Chat Architecture in EVE Online
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Christian Lönnholm, examinator: Olle Gällmo, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 009, 2011. (fulltext
A Proposal for an Android-based Tablet Client used in One-to-one Computing in Teaching Environments
. Examensarbete, handledare: Greg C Lee, examinator: Lars Oestreicher, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 059, 2011. (fulltext
mJeliot - ICT Support for Interactive Teaching of Programming
. Examensarbete, handledare: Arnold Pears, examinator: Arnold Pears, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 058, 2011. (fulltext
Parallelizing a Software Framework for Radial Basis Function Methods
. Examensarbete, handledare: Martin Tillenius, Elisabeth Larsson, examinator: Michael Thuné, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 084, 2011. (fulltext
Implementing a Eventual Consistency Job Distribution with CouchDB
. Examensarbete, handledare: Thomas Lindgren, examinator: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 045, 2011. (fulltext
Enhancing the Interactivity in the Classroom via Smartphone
. Examensarbete, handledare: Arnold Pears, examinator: Arnold Pears, Anders Jansson, IT nr 11 046, 2011. (fulltext
Authentication and Authorization: Achieving Single Sign-on in an Erlang Environment
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Erik Stenman, examinator: Björn Victor, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 036, 2010. (fulltext
Demonstrating the Effects of Power Management on a Real-time Operating System
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Barbro Claesson, Detlef Scholle, examinator: Karl Marklund, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 029, 2010. (fulltext
Curvature based Rendering
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Stefan Seipel, examinator: Stefan Seipel, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 038, 2010. (fulltext
Nuclei Segmentation on Bright-Field Images
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Amin Allalou, examinator: Amin Allalou, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 027, 2010. (fulltext
Synthetic 3D Pap Smear Nucleus Generation
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Patrik Malm, examinator: Patrik Malm, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 021, 2010. (fulltext
Evaluation of the Stream Query Language CQL
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Tore Risch, examinator: Tore Risch, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 013, 2010. (fulltext
Querying N-triples from a Extensible Functional DBMS
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Silivia Stefanova, examinator: Tore Risch, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 012, 2010. (fulltext
Mining Unexpeced Behaviour from Equipment Measurements
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Tore Risch, examinator: Tore Risch, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 035, 2010. (fulltext
A Bittorrent Simulator in Erlang - continued
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Justin Pearson, examinator: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 051, 2010. (fulltext
Design- och marknadsundersökning av en applikation för smartphone
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Niclas Hedenskog, examinator: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Anders Jansson, IT nr 10 049, 2010. (fulltext
CTG Carbon Calculator
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Hossein Shahrokni, examinator: Stefan Pålsson, IT nr 09 005, 2009. (fulltext
Incorporating an ISO 8583-Service into an Unreliable Application
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Flavio Pescuma, examinator: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, IT nr 08 044, 2008. (fulltext
Analys och omarbetning av ett företagsnätverk
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Mats Brisegård, examinator: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, IT nr 08 033, 2008. (fulltext
Integration for Dummies: Searching for a Suitable Interface for E-learning
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Patric Ferry, examinator: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, IT nr 08 026, 2008. (fulltext
TOP - Three Ortogonal Planes: A Program for Determining the Degree of Scoliosis
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Örjan Smedby, examinator: Ewert Bengtsson, IT nr 08 025, 2008. (fulltext
An Investigation of New Distribution Forms for Traditional Media Online
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Daniel Byström, examinator: Mikael Pettersson, IT nr 08 046, 2008. (fulltext
System för registrering av automationslicenser
. Examensarbete (Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap), handledare: Peter Bredal, examinator: Bengt Sandblad, IT nr 08 030, 2008. (fulltext