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Department of Information Technology

Master theses from the Master of science programme in information technology engineering

Here you find lists of master theses written at the department for IT, by students from the Master of science programme in information technology engineering.
Other programs: Master in computer science, older program, Bach. in computer science, Systems in technology and society programme, Master in computer science, Master in HCI, Master in computational science, Master in Embedded Systems and the complete list.


  1. Zardasht Abdal. Användbarheten i Business Intelligens-system: Utvecklingen av användbarheten och funktionaliteten i ett webbaserat BI-system. Student thesis, supervisor: Peter Stefansson, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 15 001, 2015. (fulltext).
  2. Niclas Adlertz. Implementing a New Register Allocator for the Server Compiler in the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine. Student thesis, supervisor: Nils Eliasson, examiner: Tobias Wrigstad, Lars-A?ke Norde?n, UPTEC IT nr 15011, 2015. (fulltext).
  3. Martin Björling and Tim Eriksson. User centered product development: A comparative study between classic requirements engineering and rapid contextual design. Student thesis, supervisor: Martina Ha?nninen, examiner: Mats Lind, Lars-A?ke Norden, UPTEC IT nr 15010, 2015. (fulltext).
  4. Gustaf Borgström. Approximate computing for emerging technologies: Trading computational accuracy for energy efficiency. Student thesis, supervisor: Stefanos Kaxiras, examiner: Magnus Sja?lander, Lars-A?ke Norde?n, UPTEC IT nr 15014, 2015. (fulltext).
  5. Anton Danielsson and Jakob A?gren. Development of a generic communication platform for wireless sensor networks. Student thesis, supervisor: Anders Ahle?n, examiner: Tomas Olofsson, Lars-A?ke Norde?n, UPTEC IT nr 15017, 2015. (fulltext).
  6. Sara Frisk. Shared Visualizations for Remote Collaboration in Asynchronous Industrial Settings. Student thesis, supervisor: Elina Vartiainen, examiner: Anders Jansson, Lars-A?ke Norde?n, UPTEC IT nr 15012, 2015. (fulltext).
  7. Martin Hagelin. Optimizing Memory Management with Object-Local Heaps. Student thesis, supervisor: Tobias Wrigstad, examiner: Alexandra Jimborean, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 15008, 2015. (fulltext).
  8. Emil Kajga?rd. Route Optimisation for Winter Road Maintenance using Constraint Modelling. Student thesis, supervisor: Martin Komstadius, examiner: Pierre Flener, Lars-A?ke Norde?n, UPTEC IT nr 15015, 2015. (fulltext).
  9. Nanna Kjellin Lagerqvist. Inbox for User Feedback as a Method for Evaluating User Experience: A Method Evalutaion in Scrum based Software Development. Student thesis, supervisor: Mats Daniels, examiner: Åsa Cajander, UPTEC IT nr 15020, 2015. (fulltext).
  10. Linnea Sandelin. Preferable Techniques for Showing Large Tables on Small Screens: A Qualitative Usability Study of Design Solutions. Student thesis, supervisor: Sammi Haj Hassine, examiner: Anders Jansson, Lars-A?ke Norde?n, UPTEC IT nr 15013, 2015. (fulltext).
  11. Marcus Utter. Indoor Positioning using Ultra-wideband Technology. Student thesis, supervisor: Pär Nordstro?m, examiner: Thiemo Voigt, Lars-A?ke Norde?n, UPTEC IT nr 15019, 2015. (fulltext).
  12. Daniel Wedin. Travel Time Estimation in Stockholm Using Historical GPS Data. Student thesis, supervisor: Ludvig Norinder, examiner: Roland Bol, Lars-A?ke Norde?n, UPTEC IT nr 15007, 2015. (fulltext).


  1. Joakim Ejenstam. Implementing a Time Optimal Task Sequence For Robot Assembly Using Constraint Programming. Student thesis, supervisor: Johan Wessén, examiner: Pierre Flener, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 011, 2014. (fulltext).
  2. Carl Ekman and Jonas Martinsson. Adapting Rapid Contextual Design for Smartphone App Development: User-Centered Design for Small Teams. Student thesis, supervisor: Marcus Berner, Marcus Fredriksson, examiner: Mats Lind, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 14 015, 2014. (fulltext).
  3. Oskar Eriksson. A Modular Framework Approach to Regression Testing of SQL. Student thesis, supervisor: Ruslan Fomkin, examiner: Tore Risch, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 008, 2014. (fulltext).
  4. Daniel Flodin. A Comparison Between Packrat Parsing and Conventional Shift-Reduce Parsing on Real-World Grammars and Inputs. Student thesis, supervisor: Johan Runeson, examiner: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 14 016, 2014. (fulltext).
  5. Andreas Hammar. Analysis and Design of High Performance Inter-core Process Communication for Linux. Student thesis, supervisor: Detlef Scholle, examiner: Philipp Rümmer, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 14 020, 2014. (fulltext).
  6. Isabelle Håff Hedung. Vidareutveckling av sökmotor i EPiServer CMS. Student thesis, supervisor: Erik Nettelbrandt, examiner: Arnold Pears, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 006, 2014. (fulltext).
  7. Vilhelm Jutvik. IPsec and IKEv2 for the Contiki Operating System. Student thesis, supervisor: Thiemo Voigt, examiner: Christian Rohner, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 010, 2014. (fulltext).
  8. Peter Jönsson and Mattias Sjöström. Uppföljningsverktyg för analys av användarloggar. Student thesis, supervisor: Krister Lindqvist, Martin Eineborg, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 14 018, 2014. (fulltext).
  9. Jill Karlsson. Responsive web design with CSS frameworks. Student thesis, supervisor: Florian Mandl, examiner: Lars Oestreicher, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 007, 2014. (fulltext).
  10. Alexander Lindholm. A study about fraud detection and the implementation of SUSPECT - Supervised and UnSuPervised Erlang Classifier Tool. Student thesis, supervisor: Bip Thelin, examiner: Johannes Borgström, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 005, 2014. (fulltext).
  11. Robert Lööf and Kenny Pussinen. Visualisation of requirements and their relations in embedded systems. Student thesis, supervisor: Jonas Westman, examiner: Anders Jansson, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 14 017, 2014. (fulltext).
  12. Andreas Moregård Haubenwaller. Distribution of Tasks to Processing Resources in the Internet of Things. Student thesis, supervisor: Konstantinos Vandikas, examiner: Justin Pearson, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 14 021, 2014. (fulltext).
  13. Johan Nenzén. Varför väljs nativeapplikationer istället för hybridapplikationer?: Prestandaskillnader hos hybridapplikationer. Student thesis, supervisor: Erik Midander, examiner: Anders Jansson, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 001, 2014. (fulltext).
  14. Johannes Olsson Sandgren. Pixel-based video coding. Student thesis, supervisor: Jonatan Samuelsson, examiner: Cris Luengo, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 003, 2014. (fulltext).
  15. Emma Rangert. Integration of Quantitative User Data Into the Agile Website Development Process. Student thesis, supervisor: Christian Wigren, examiner: Roland Bol, Olle Eriksson, UPTEC IT nr 14 012, 2014. (fulltext).
  16. Dennis Rosén. Implementation and Evaluation of Android on an ARM-based Vehicle Computer. Student thesis, supervisor: Anders Florén, examiner: Thiemo Voigt, Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 14 014, 2014. (fulltext).
  17. Henrik Rydstedt. HTML5 as HMI in a Command and Control System. Student thesis, supervisor: Jakob Sagatowski, examiner: Lars Oestreicher, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 004, 2014. (fulltext).
  18. Rafal Wajszczyk. A study of the impact of technology in early education. Student thesis, supervisor: Lars-Åke Nordén, examiner: Mats Daniels, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 009, 2014. (fulltext).
  19. Emil Wall. Rationales and Approaches for Automated Testing of JavaScript and Standard ML. Student thesis, supervisor: Jimmy Larsson, examiner: Roland Bol, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 14 002, 2014. (fulltext).


  1. Jonathan Andersson and Erik Hellberg. Reducing lead-times for updating client-server applications in .NET. Student thesis, supervisor: Magnus Hållström, examiner: Roland Bol, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 008, 2013. (fulltext).
  2. Eduardo Castaneda. Mobile-first eller Desktop-first, en studie av utvecklingslösningar för responsiv web design. Student thesis, supervisor: Luis Rizo, examiner: Lars Oestreicher, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 012, 2013. (fulltext).
  3. jesper Friberg. Detecting background and foreground from video in real-time with a moving camera. Student thesis, supervisor: Simon MIka, examiner: Cris Luengo, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 009, 2013. (fulltext).
  4. Jonny Gunnarsson. Algorithms for representation of 3D regions in radiotherapy planning software. Student thesis, supervisor: Anders Edin, examiner: Carolina Wählby, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 005, 2013. (fulltext).
  5. Sammi Haj Hassine. Investigation of Navigation on Mobile Websites with Hierarchical Information Structures: A Development Basis for Mobile Hierarchical Navigation. Student thesis, supervisor: Tomas Tunström, examiner: Anders jansson, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 007, 2013. (fulltext).
  6. Anders David Hassis. Evaluating and tracking circuit-switched telephone calls using web browsers on mobile devices. Student thesis, supervisor: Tobias Lindgren, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 015, 2013. (fulltext).
  7. Anders Hedström. Automatic Segmentation of Skeleton in Whole-Body MR Images. Student thesis, supervisor: Robin Strand, examiner: Joel Kullberg, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 011, 2013. (fulltext).
  8. Alexandra Helin. Första avstampet för att konstruera en digital stadskarta för personer med nedsatt syn. Student thesis, supervisor: Lars Oestreicher, examiner: Stefan Seipel, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 004, 2013. (fulltext).
  9. Jonatan Jansson. Integrated GPUs: how useful are they in HPC?. Student thesis, supervisor: Ian Wainwright, examiner: David Black-Schaffer, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 017, 2013. (fulltext).
  10. Per Moberg. Event-driven interactivity in application-based TV-programs. Student thesis, supervisor: Johan Pettersson, examiner: Justin Pearson, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 001, 2013. (fulltext).
  11. Johannes Nilsson. Solr and the cloud. Student thesis, supervisor: Johan Persson, examiner: Arnold Pears, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 13 002, 2013. (fulltext).
  12. Ludvig Norinder. Breeding power-viruses for ARM devices. Student thesis, supervisor: Tony Collander, Tobias Skoglund, examiner: Philipp Rümmer, Lars-Åke Nordén, IT nr 13 016, 2013. (fulltext).
  13. Christopher Overall. Framing the Reference: An Analysis of Contextual and Goal Oriented Design. Student thesis, supervisor: Michael Almgren, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 014, 2013. (fulltext).
  14. Julius Sandgren. Transfer Time Reduction of Data Transfers between CPU and GPU. Student thesis, supervisor: Simon Mika, examiner: David Black-Schaffer, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 010, 2013. (fulltext).
  15. Karl Viring. Application Task and Data Placement in Embedded Multi-core NUMA Architectures: Optimization techniques for the Samsung 16-SRP. Student thesis, supervisor: Bernhard Egger, examiner: Wang Yi, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 006, 2013. (fulltext).
  16. Erik Ward. Tweet Collect: short text message collection using automatic query expansion and classification. Student thesis, supervisor: Kazushi Ikeda, examiner: Tore Risch, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 003, 2013. (fulltext).
  17. Oskar Wirén. Data Driven Development for Mobile Applications. Student thesis, supervisor: Daniel Chow, examiner: Anders Jansson, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 13 013, 2013. (fulltext).


  1. Anders Andersson. Multiplayer Game Server for Turn-Based Mobile Games in Erlang. Student thesis, supervisor: Josef Nilsen, examiner: Arnold Pears, Lars-Åke Nordén, UPTEC IT nr 12 020, 2012. (fulltext).
  2. Joachim Andersson and Johan Lindbom Byggnings. Reducing the load on transaction-intensive systems through distributed caching. Student thesis, supervisor: Andreas Höglund, examiner: Arnold Pears, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 021, 2012. (fulltext).
  3. Erik Bohlin. Tracking the outbreak of diseases Using Twitter: A Machine Learning Approach. Student thesis, supervisor: Gustaf von Dewall, examiner: Roland Bol, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 014, 2012. (fulltext).
  4. Elias Castegren. LAPS: A General Framework for Modeling Alias Management Using Access Permission Sets. Student thesis, supervisor: Tobias Wrigstad, examiner: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 017, 2012. (fulltext).
  5. Kasper Davidsson. Identifiering av designriktlinjer lämpade för integrerade videouppladdningstjänster. Student thesis, supervisor: Pontus Eskilsson, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 012, 2012. (fulltext).
  6. Erik Grafström. Resilient and optimized LDAP database implementation for a large scale HLR/HSS. Student thesis, supervisor: Jonas Falkevik, examiner: Tore Risch, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 018, 2012. (fulltext).
  7. Christoffer Hamberg and Daniel Persson. Storskalig analys och lagring av rådata i datormolnet. Student thesis, supervisor: Björn Victor, examiner: Björn Victor, 2012.
  8. Johanna Hamnström. Design of a Smartphone App for Control of  Bioreactors Used for Cell Cultivation. Student thesis, supervisor: Jens Örnberg, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 002, 2012. (fulltext).
  9. Henning Hellkvist and William Sjöstedt. Toward Automated Timetabling at TekNat. Student thesis, supervisor: Pierre Flener, examiner: Justin Pearson, Anders Berglund, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 001, 2012. (fulltext).
  10. Henrik Jacobsson. Requirements and needs for 3D visualizations. Student thesis, supervisor: Kent Johansson, examiner: Anders Hast, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 022, 2012. (fulltext).
  11. Magnus Jonsson. Using IT to Improve Learning Methods: A Usability Analysis Through User Survey and Personas. Student thesis, supervisor: Mattias Palmér, examiner: Åsa Cajander, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 010, 2012. (fulltext).
  12. Markus Jonsson. RFID: Investigation of selectivity, comparison between active and passive transponders. Student thesis, supervisor: Heidie Vad-Schütt, examiner: Christian Rohner, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 009, 2012. (fulltext).
  13. Mattias Larsson. Is OpenCL a suitable platform for algorithm development in health care systems?. Student thesis, supervisor: Anders Edin, examiner: David Black-Shaffer, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 011, 2012. (fulltext).
  14. Tiina Loukusa. Analys av säkerheten av RFID i inpasseringssystemAnalysis of the security of RFID in entrance systems. Student thesis, supervisor: Mikael Simovits, examiner: Björn Victor, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 008, 2012. (fulltext).
  15. Max Morén. Efficient Volume Rendering on the Face Centered and Body Centered Cubic Grids. Student thesis, supervisor: Elisabeth Linnér, examiner: Robin Strand, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 013, 2012. (fulltext).
  16. Malin Nilsson. Evaluating the accuracy of motion tracking algorithms for determining the position of finger tips. Student thesis, supervisor: Kjartan Halvorsen, examiner: Håkan Lanshammar, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 015, 2012. (fulltext).
  17. Andreas Olsson. Visualizing courses: Improved Tools for University Course Planning. Student thesis, supervisor: Mikael Laaksoharju, examiner: Åsa Cajander, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 003, 2012. (fulltext).
  18. John Reuterswärd, Rafal Wajszczyk, and Simon Young. XNA: A journey into game development. Student thesis, supervisor: Björn Victor, examiner: Björn Victor, 2012.
  19. Henric Salomonsson. Agile Software Development: Android Prototype For The Execution of Daily Walkaround Inspections. Student thesis, supervisor: Anders Johansson, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 005, 2012. (fulltext).
  20. David Skoglund. A Standardized Approach to Tool Integration. Student thesis, supervisor: Barbro Claesson, examiner: Philipp Rümmer, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 019, 2012. (fulltext).
  21. Tobias Skoglund. Efficient Wave Propagation in Discontinuous Media and Complex Geometry for Many-core Architectures. Student thesis, supervisor: Ken Mattson, examiner: Stefan Engblom, Arnold Pears, UPTEC IT nr 12 016, 2012. (fulltext).


  1. Patrik Backvall. Preschool Evolved: Communication With Preschool Through Mobile Services. Student thesis, supervisor: Maria Fridén, examiner: Åsa Cajander, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 007, 2011. (fulltext).
  2. Jonas Brohäll. Förutsättning och fördelar att införa kvalitetsledningssystem enligt ISO 9001. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Carl Albertsson, examiner: Roland Bol, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 005, 2011. (fulltext).
  3. Marcus Fredriksson, Andreas Pehrson, and Dennis Sandmark. Investigating Federated Object Naming Service as Directory Service for the Internet of Things. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Rickard Bellgrim, examiner: Lars-Åke Larzon, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 004, 2011. (fulltext).
  4. Erik Hedberg. An Ecosystem for a Unified Mobile, Tablet and TV Experience. Student thesis, supervisor: Ted Björling, examiner: Arnold Pears, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 011, 2011. (fulltext).
  5. Fredrik Höglin. Event-driven interactivity in IPTV. Student thesis, supervisor: Annika Kilegran, examiner: Mats Daniels, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 009, 2011. (fulltext).
  6. Erik Löthman and Kristian Samuelsson. Towards Usable Reuse: Facilitating Reuse in Distributed User-Centric Systems. Student thesis, supervisor: Jesper Tordenlid, examiner: Bengt Göransson, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 012, 2011. (fulltext).
  7. Sebastian Mendez. The Test Process and Important Testing Techniques. Student thesis, supervisor: Pär Johansson, examiner: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 006, 2011. (fulltext).
  8. Alexander Nordfelth. Augmented Reality and its Practical Use. Student thesis, supervisor: Adrian Jakobsson, examiner: Lars Oestreicher, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 013, 2011. (fulltext).
  9. Poia Samoudi Asli. Digitala nämndhandlingar: Kartläggning och jämförelse av användningen av beslutsunderlag i två olika nämnder. Student thesis, supervisor: Anders Jansson, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 015, 2011. (fulltext).
  10. Andreas Sembrant. Low Overhead Online Phase Predictor and Classifier. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: David Eklöf, examiner: Erik Hagersten, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 002, 2011. (fulltext).
  11. Patrik Sternudd. Unambiguous Requirements in Functional Safety and ISO 26262: Dream or Reality?. Student thesis, supervisor: Mattias Nyberg, examiner: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 014, 2011. (fulltext).
  12. Torbjörn Svangård. An Evaluation of the PandaBoard as a Set.Top-Box in an Android Environment. Student thesis, supervisor: David Näslund, examiner: Arnold Pears, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 016, 2011. (fulltext).
  13. Peter Vestberg. Low-Overhead Memory Access Sampler: An Efficient Method for Data-Locality Profiling. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Andreas Sandberg, examiner: Erik Hagersten, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 003, 2011. (fulltext).
  14. Linus Wollentz. Agila metoder vid verksamhetsutveckling - Vägen till nöjda kunder?. Student thesis, supervisor: Lenn Viberg, examiner: Åsa Cajander, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 11 010, 2011. (fulltext).


  1. Robert Albrektsson. Undersökning av elektroniska scorekort på golfmarknaden: Var ligger problemet för fortsatt utveckling?. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Johan Ahlén, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 008, 2010. (fulltext).
  2. Johan Bergman. Energy Efficient Graphics: Making the Rendring Process Power Aware. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Barbro Claesson, Detlef Scholle, examiner: Stefanos Kaxiras, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 017, 2010. (fulltext).
  3. Carl Blommé. Increased Efficiency of Energy Calculation: Using .NET 4.0. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Thomas Nordström, examiner: Tore Risch, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 022, 2010. (fulltext).
  4. Christoffer Davidsson. Mobile Application Recommender System. Student thesis, supervisor: Simon Moritz, Erik Zeitler, examiner: Kjell Orsborn, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 025, 2010. (fulltext).
  5. Robel Dawit. Analys av behov och potentiella verktyg inom Business Intelligence för detaljhandelsaktörer: En studie på Akademibokhandeln AB. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Göran Ahl, examiner: Kjell Orsborn, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 015, 2010. (fulltext).
  6. Erik Grafström, Erik Hansson, and Max Morén. Quadrotor UAV: Konstruktion och användbarhetsstudie av en UAV i sensornätverk. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Olof Rensfelt, examiner: Olof Rensfelt, Björn Victor, IT nr 10 063, 2010. (fulltext).
  7. Anna-Karin Gustafsson and Henrik Lindholm. Teststrategier och användning av testautomation: En studie utförd på företaget Extenda AB. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Stefan Täckdal, examiner: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 018, 2010. (fulltext).
  8. Per Hamrin and Martin Persson. Exploring the Notion of Space in Virtual Collaborations: Finding Prerequisites for Success in Virtual Teams. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Tony Clear, examiner: Arnold Pears, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 001, 2010. (fulltext).
  9. Frej Håkansson. Platform for Development of Component Based Graphical User Interfaces. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Anders Svedberg, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 020, 2010. (fulltext).
  10. Alexander Jogren. User Centering, but what for?: User Centered Activities and Prototyping in a System Development Project. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Patrik Kvick, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 023, 2010. (fulltext).
  11. Magnus Johansson. Improved Presentation of Search Results on a Map. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Staffan Larsson, Marika Stålnacke, examiner: Arnold Pears, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 021, 2010. (fulltext).
  12. Holger Karlsson. Får vårdpersonalen bästa tänkbara IT-stöd?: Kartläggning och analys av informationsflödet mellan EPJ systemförvaltning och vårdpersonal. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Rebecka Janols, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 014, 2010. (fulltext).
  13. Ida Lindgren and Robin Malmros. Verifying Finite State Machine Behavior using QuickCheck EQC_fsm. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Daniel Jernberg, examiner: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 016, 2010. (fulltext).
  14. Robert Nordström. Legability Investigations of the BiNem Display for e-Reader Applications. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Jesper Osterman, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 009, 2010. (fulltext).
  15. Samuel Oest. A Playcentric Design Process of a Storytelling Pervasive Game. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Annika Waern, examiner: Lars Oestreicher, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 024, 2010. (fulltext).
  16. Anton Ruhnau Pollak. Challenges and Considerations for a Delay-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Network Deployment. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Olof Rensfelt, examiner: Lars-Åke Larzon, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 012, 2010. (fulltext).
  17. Magnus Rundlöf. An Implementation of an Execution Engine for the Foundational UML Subset. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Lars Millberg, examiner: Sven-Olof Nyström, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 019, 2010. (fulltext).
  18. Murat Sabotic. Att skapa ett enhetligt användargränssnitt: Användargränssnitt baserat på personametoden som koncept istället för empiri. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Bengt Sandblad, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 007, 2010. (fulltext).
  19. Joel Samuelsson. Repeatable Experiments with Mobile Nodes in a Wireless Sensor Network Testbed. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Olof Rensfelt, examiner: Lars Larzon, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 011, 2010. (fulltext).
  20. Robin Sving and Peter Öman. Pilot Project for Model Based Testing using Conformiq Qtronic. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Christofer Janståhl, examiner: Justin Pearson, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 010, 2010. (fulltext).
  21. Sven Vidén. Lingvistik och användbarhet i sökmotorer. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Zakay Danial, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 004, 2010. (fulltext).
  22. Hjalmar Wennerström. Leveraging Dominant Language Image Tags for Automatic Image Annotation in Minor Languages. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Keiichiro Hoashi, examiner: Tomas Olofsson, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 10 013, 2010. (fulltext).


  1. Isa Acar. Interaktiv Webb 2.0: Annonseringssystem för Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Mats Nordström, examiner: Mats Nordström, UPTEC IT nr 09 013, 2009. (fulltext).
  2. Hamid Reza Hajimohammadi. Classification of Data Series at Vehicle Detection. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Karl Nilvér, examiner: Tomas Olofsson, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 09 007, 2009. (fulltext).
  3. Fredrik Hildorsson. Scalable Solutions for Social Network Analysis. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Tor Kvernvik, examiner: Justin Pearson, UPTEC IT nr 09 017, 2009. (fulltext).
  4. Petter Höglund. Evaluation of Exor's Work Process: Methods and Models of Usage-Centered Design. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Jörgen Enström, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, UPTEC IT nr 09 006, 2009. (fulltext).
  5. Håkan Johansson. Database Performance and Complexity in Visual DataFlex. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Anders Öhrt, examiner: Kjell Orsborn, UPTEC IT nr 09 009, 2009. (fulltext).
  6. Tobias Jonasson. Utvärdering av lösningar för hårddiskkryptering. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Mats Brymér, examiner: Björn Victor, UPTEC IT nr 09 010, 2009. (fulltext).
  7. Andreas Kjellgren. Graphics System in Vehicle Electronics. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Detlef Scholle, examiner: Justin Pearson, UPTEC IT nr 09 008, 2009. (fulltext).
  8. Robin Kuivinen. Evaluation of Image Compression Algorithms for Electronic Shelf Labels. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Nils Hulth, examiner: Cris Luengo, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 09 018, 2009. (fulltext).
  9. Jonas Lindholm. Graphical Interface Framework for Control System Environments. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Tobias Andersson, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, UPTEC IT nr 09 015, 2009. (fulltext).
  10. Niklas Moritz. Ett tydligare System C2: Användargränssnittsutveckling med stöd av användarcentrerade metoder. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Lars Nilsson, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 09 003, 2009. (fulltext).
  11. Martin Nissfolk. Development of an Electronic Nose-Tongue Data Acquisition System using a Microcontroller. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Walter Estrada, examiner: Claes-Göran Granqvist, UPTEC IT nr 09 002, 2009. (fulltext).
  12. Mikael Nordström. SOA: How to Build Winning Enterprises with IT. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Fredrik Bergman, examiner: Mats Daniels, UPTEC IT nr 09 001, 2009. (fulltext).
  13. Daniel Odervång. Projektdokumentation: Kritiska framgångsfaktorer. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Stefan Huss, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Anders Jansson, UPTEC IT nr 09 016, 2009. (fulltext).
  14. Björn Remius. Your Ideas - The Airport of Tomorrow: Conducting a Pilot Study at Arlanda Living Lab. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Fritjof Andersson, examiner: Börje Svensson, Jan Gulliksen, UPTEC IT nr 09 005, 2009. (fulltext).
  15. Christian Wallin. Mobility Requirements in Tactical IP Networks: A Study of Available Techniques and Future Challenges. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Marcus Grehag, Henrik Magnusson, examiner: Edith Ngai, UPTEC IT nr 09 011, 2009. (fulltext).
  16. Magnus Wilhelmsson. Webbaserad schemaläggning av läkare: Systembeskrivning och gränssnittsförslag. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Tord Aminoff, examiner: Jan Gulliksen, UPTEC IT nr 09 012, 2009. (fulltext).


  1. Magnus Broberg. Software Development Kit in future Scania Interactors. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Pär Degerman, Anders Hasselkvist, examiner: Lars-Henrik Eriksson, UPTEC IT nr 08 017, 2008. (fulltext).
  2. Mattis Fjällström. Shot Selection Strategies in Video News Story Tracking. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Keiichiro Hoashi, examiner: Ivan Christoff, UPTEC IT nr 08 004, 2008. (fulltext).
  3. Tobias Hedlund and Xingya Zhou. Correlation and Graphical Presentation of Event Data from a Real-Time System. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Daniel Flemström, examiner: Kjell Orsborn, UPTEC IT nr 08 010, 2008. (fulltext).
  4. Abid Hussain and Magnus Myrén. Interaktiv patientportal: Generisk webblösning med tillämpning inom överviktsenheten. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Bo Sandhagen, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, UPTEC IT nr 08 015, 2008. (fulltext).
  5. Simon Karlsson. Research and Development of a Cost Efficient Finvoice B2C Billing Solution. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Sven Vollbehr, examiner: Arne Andersson, UPTEC IT nr 08 008, 2008. (fulltext).
  6. Tobias Knutsson. Performance Evaluation of GNU/Linux for Real-Time Applications. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: David Kiland, examiner: Wang Yi, UPTEC IT nr 08 016, 2008. (fulltext).
  7. Mikael Laaksoharju. Ethicking - Dealing with Ethics: Can Micro World Simulations Stimulate Ethical Competence. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, examiner: Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, UPTEC IT nr 08 002, 2008. (fulltext).
  8. Leon Ljunggren. High Performance Industrial Diagnostic Systems. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Carl-Magnus Moon, examiner: Justin Pearson, UPTEC IT nr 08 007, 2008. (fulltext).
  9. Karl Nilvér and Emil Nottebohm-Kaiser. Områdessökning i geografiskt associerad data. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Mikael Ericsson, examiner: Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 08 009, 2008. (fulltext).
  10. Staffan Persson. Introducing Continuous Integration in an Enterprise Scale Environment. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Euler Jiang, examiner: Roland Bol, UPTEC IT nr 08 014, 2008. (fulltext).
  11. Erik Scholander. Utveckling av generell testklient för Nordic Growth Market. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Mikael Brännström, examiner: Arne Andersson, Jim Wilenius, UPTEC IT nr 08 012, 2008. (fulltext).
  12. Jacob Vesterlund. Feature Selection and Classification of cDNA Microarray Samples in ROSETTA. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Herman Midelfart, examiner: Torgeir Hvidsten, UPTEC IT nr 08 006, 2008. (fulltext).
  13. Martin Wåger. The Cell BE as a Time Domain Correlator: Radio Sensor Networks on the Ground and in Space. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Jan Bergman, examiner: Oliver Verscheure, UPTEC IT nr 08 001, 2008. (fulltext).
  14. Fredrik Zettergren and Patrik Åkerstrand. Customization of Software for Implementation on Third Party Platforms. Student thesis (Master of Science Programme in Information Technology Engineering), supervisor: Mikael Ericsson, examiner: Mikael Pettersson, UPTEC IT nr 08 013, 2008. (fulltext).

Updated  2015-01-30 23:11:42 by Olle Eriksson.