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Department of Information Technology

Master theses from the Systems in technology and society programme

Here you find lists of master theses written at the department for IT, by students from the Systems in technology and society programme.
Other programs: Master in computer science, older program, Bach. in computer science, Msc in IT engineering, Master in computer science, Master in HCI, Master in computational science, Master in Embedded Systems and the complete list.


  1. Hanna Blomquist and Johanna Möller. Anomaly detection with Machine learning: Quality assurance of statistical data in the Aid community. Student thesis, supervisor: Franck Rasmussen, examiner: Elisabet Andrésdóttir, Michael Ashcroft, UPTEC STS nr 15014, 2015. (fulltext).
  2. Hanna Boman. Utva?rdering av innovationssto?d inom eHa?lsa i Stockholms la?ns sjukva?rdsomra?deAn evaluation of innovation support within eHealth at Stockholms la?ns sjukva?rdsomra?de. Student thesis, supervisor: Eva Pilsäter Faxner, Gabor Révay, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Bengt Sandblad, UPTEC STS nr 15037, 2015. (fulltext).
  3. Rickard Edström. Internet caching - sizing and placement for dynamic content. Student thesis, supervisor: Ian Marsh, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Christian Rohner, UPTEC STS nr 15033, 2015. (fulltext).
  4. Johan Ekström and Sofia Stadler. Visualisering av elanvändning i kontorsfastigheter: Utveckling, implementering och utvärdering av visualiseringsverktyg för minskad elanvändningVisualization of electricty use in office buildings. Student thesis, supervisor: Alvin Lindstam, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Mats Lind, UPTEC STS nr 15002, 2015. (fulltext).
  5. Oscar Elkan. Implementing a Contract Management Tool for Users of an e-Sourcing Platform. Student thesis, supervisor: Arne Andersson, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Anders Jansson, UPTEC STS nr 15034, 2015.
  6. Adam Elvander. Developing a Recommender System for a Mobile E-commerce Application. Student thesis, supervisor: Jimmy Heibert, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Michael Ashcroft, UPTEC STS nr 15008, 2015. (fulltext).
  7. Oscar Eriksson and Lars Beck-Friis. Kontinuitet i vården: Framtagandet av en metod för kontinuerlig mätning av kontinuitet på sjukvårdsmottagningarContinuity of Care: The development of a method for continuous measurement of continuity of care. Student thesis, supervisor: Dahl Caroline, examiner: Åsa Cajander, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 15026, 2015. (fulltext).
  8. Moa Fransson and Lisa Fåhraeus. Finding Patterns in Vehicle Diagnostic Trouble Codes: A data mining study applying associative classification. Student thesis, supervisor: Ann Lindqvist, examiner: Matteo Magnani, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 15023, 2015. (fulltext).
  9. Linus Hansson and David Jakobsson. Tillståndsbaserat underhåll inom järnvägen: Trendanalys av mätdata från varmgångsdetektorer. Student thesis, supervisor: Karl Åkerlund, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Bengt Carlsson, UPTEC STS nr 15019, 2015. (fulltext).
  10. Olga Hörding. A comparative study between user research in academia and user research in commercially driven companies. Student thesis, supervisor: Ashley Smith, examiner: Mats Lind, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 15029, 2015. (fulltext).
  11. Johan Jansson and Fredrik Jonsson. Development of an ERP Requirements Specification Method by Applying Rapid Contextual Design: A Case Study of a Medium-sized Enterprise. Student thesis, supervisor: Monika Månsson, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Mats Lind, UPTEC STS nr 15018, 2015. (fulltext).
  12. Axel Johansson. Patient Empowerment and Accessibilityin e-Health Services: Accessibility Evaluation of a Mobile WebSite for Medical Records Online. Student thesis, supervisor: Åsa Cajander, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Bengt Sandblad, UPTEC STS nr 15031, 2015. (fulltext).
  13. Matilda Johnsson. Knowledge sharing in a competence intensive company. Student thesis, supervisor: Tom Holmin, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Roland Bol, UPTEC STS nr 15016, 2015. (fulltext).
  14. Erik Jungnelius and Gustaf Liss. Underhåll av Stockholms Överdäckningar: Lärdomar från Söderledstunneln & Södra StationMaintenance of Decking Constructions in Stockholm: Lessons from Söderledstunneln & Södra Station. Student thesis, supervisor: Lena Winberg, examiner: Elisabet Andrésdóttir, Kjartan Halvorsen, UPTEC STS nr 15025, 2015. (fulltext).
  15. Sandra Ly and Linda Thell. Förbrukningsflexibilitetens potential och påverkan på kraftsystemet: Med fokus på automatisk frekvensreglering genom styrning av kylskåpThe potential of demand response and its impact on the power system: With focus on fridges as automatic frequency control reserves. Student thesis, supervisor: Christer Bäck, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Bengt Carlsson, UPTEC STS nr 15024, 2015. (fulltext).
  16. Sandra Ly and Linda Thell. Förbrukningsflexibilitetens potential och påverkan på kraftsystemet: Med fokus på automatisk frekvensreglering genom styrning av kylskåpThe potential of demand response and its impact on the power system, with focus on fridges as automatic frequency control reserves. Student thesis, supervisor: Christer Bäck, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Urban Lundin, UPTEC STS nr 15036, 2015. (fulltext).
  17. Caroline Lönn and Clara Curman. Behov av flexibilitet i COTS-system: Hur COTS-system möter användarnas behov i olika organisationer. Student thesis, supervisor: Erika Kihlgren Wimelius, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Mats Lind, UPTEC STS nr 15011, 2015. (fulltext).
  18. Martin Stojanov. eHealth and IT in Network Healthcare: Threats and Opportunities. Student thesis, supervisor: Mats Olsson, examiner: Åsa Cajander, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 15035, 2015. (fulltext).
  19. Olof Vestling. InfoMart Reporting: The process of developing a data discovery tool for Genesys InfoMart. Student thesis, supervisor: Henrik Thalin, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Ahmad Alzghoul, UPTEC STS nr 15007, 2015. (fulltext).


  1. Saman Akbarian Tari and Therése Svensson. Investigation of a method to extend the use of output data from Scania's Hardware-In-the-Loop simulations: Development of database and search algorithm. Student thesis, supervisor: Samuel Malinen, examiner: Elisabet Andrésdóttir, Matteo Magnani, UPTEC STS nr 14024, 2014. (fulltext).
  2. Fia Bengtsson and Therese Forssén. Modell för användbarhetsutvärdering: Anpassad till ComAround Zero - ett webbaserat självbetjäningssystemModel for usability evaluation. Student thesis, supervisor: Conny Sandström, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Anders Jansson, UPTEC STS nr 14007, 2014.
  3. Kristian Bernström and Anders Näsman. Utredning och implementering av en prototyp för integration av Prevas FOCS och ABB 800xAStudy and implementation of a prototype forintegration of Prevas FOCS and ABB 800xA. Student thesis, supervisor: Lars-Göran Uhlander, Rickard Söderlund, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Roland Bol, UPTEC STS nr 14026, 2014. (fulltext).
  4. Hanna Björling. Datakvalitet: En fallstudie om kvaliteten i SJ:s underhållssystem. Student thesis, supervisor: Peter Umegård, examiner: Eli?sabet Andre?sdo?ttir, Roland Bol, UPTEC STS nr 14006, 2014. (fulltext).
  5. Tova Boustedt. Klinikintern statistik: en fallstudie kring behov av och möjligheter till framtagandet av ett statistikverktygClinical statistics: a case study about needs and opportunities for the development of a statistical tool. Student thesis, supervisor: Christian Bremer, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Bengt Sandblad, UPTEC STS nr 14031, 2014. (fulltext).
  6. Ingrid Buddee. Utveckling av lastmodell för Uppsala fjärrvärmenätDevelopment of a load prognosis model for Uppsala district heating system. Student thesis, supervisor: Jonas Funkquist, Katarina Boman, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Bengt Carlsson, UPTEC STS nr 14023, 2014. (fulltext).
  7. Kristian Johansson. FlyTracker: Design and Implementation of an Interactive Motion Tracking System. Student thesis, supervisor: Karin Nordström, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, UPTEC STS nr 14029, 2014. (fulltext).
  8. Sebastian Källman Andersson. Strategier för mobila intranät: Identifiering av framgångsfaktorer för mobila intranätlösningar. Student thesis, supervisor: Mats Lind, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Mats Lind, UPTEC STS nr 14022, 2014. (fulltext).
  9. Agnes Kåregård. En långsiktig järnvägslösning i Stockholmsregionen: En studie av vilka krav Trafikverket bör ta hänsyn till i sitt planeringsarbete. Student thesis, supervisor: Peter Huledal, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Kjartan Halvorsen, UPTEC STS nr 14004, 2014. (fulltext).
  10. Camilla Odelbrink. Design of an Alternative Frequency Controller for Hydropower Stations: Reducing the 60-second Floating in the Grid Frequency of the Nordic Power System. Student thesis, supervisor: Jonas Funkquist, Jonas Persson, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Bengt Carlsson, UPTEC STS nr 14027, 2014. (fulltext).


  1. Julia Ljungbjörk. Möteskultur i Live Meeting: En utredande studie av resfria möten ur ett användarperspektiv. Student thesis, supervisor: Bo Sjödin, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Lars Oestreicher, UPTEC STS nr 13 030, 2013. (fulltext).
  2. Rasmus Nielsen and Fredrik Quennerstedt. Informationssa?kerhetsanalysers verksamhetsnytta: Utva?rdering och fo?rba?ttringsfo?rslagBusiness benefits of an information security and safety analysis: Evaluation and suggestions for improvement. Student thesis, supervisor: Helena Peters, examiner: Elisabet Andre?sdo?ttir, Roland Bol, UPTEC STS nr 13 018, 2013. (fulltext).
  3. Martin Zeller and Eric Hultgren. Standardizing Requirements Specification for IT Sourcing. Student thesis, supervisor: Lars-Åke Larsson, examiner: Elisabet Andre?sdo?ttir, Arnold Pears, UPTEC STS nr 13016, 2013. (fulltext).


  1. Ann-Kristin Adwent. Shared IT Service Center i kommunerIT Shared Service Center in municipalities. Student thesis, supervisor: Per-Åke Andersson, examiner: Roland Bol, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 13008, 2012. (fulltext).
  2. Stina Andersson. Development and Implementation of User Experience Interaction Guidelines. Student thesis, supervisor: Bengt Göransson, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 12035, 2012. (fulltext).
  3. Lars Beck-Friis, Oskar Enhörning, Johan Jansson, and Fredrik Jonsson. Ångström Materials Academy WebSite: The development of an idea to a finished product. Student thesis, supervisor: Roland Bol, examiner: Roland Bol, 2012.
  4. Kristian Bernström, Oscar Eriksson, and Sam Löthén. Maximo Optimization. Student thesis, supervisor: Roland Bol, examiner: Roland Bol, 2012.
  5. Martin Eriksson and Mikael Lindgren. Kartläggning av tvärfunktionella verksamhetsbehov för framtida utveckling av OASMapping of cross-functional user needs for future development of OAS. Student thesis, supervisor: Ulf Widing, Michael Thel, examiner: Roland Bol, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 12008, 2012. (fulltext).
  6. Gabriella Hammarin. Effective Internal IT-development at Nordea Portfolio and Advisory Solutions Including Offshoring. Student thesis, supervisor: Kristina Bäckman, Lars Oestricher, examiner: Elísabeth Andrésdottír, UPTEC STS nr 12033, 2012. (fulltext).
  7. Michael Henriksson. A Cognitive Work Analysis as Basis for Development of a Compact C2 System to Support Air Surveillance Work. Student thesis, supervisor: Lars. W Pettersson, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 12 029, 2012. (fulltext).
  8. Elin Johannesson and Maria Richard. Betydelsen av IT-stöd i problemlösning: Analysverktyg för att studera hur IT-system stödjer problemlösningsstrategier hos serviceteknikerThe importance of IT-support in problem solving. Student thesis, supervisor: Anna Swartling, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 12031, 2012. (fulltext).
  9. Axel Johansson and Jakob Sahlström. Application Development for the Android Platform: Eniro Friend Finder. Student thesis, supervisor: Joachim Heiroth, examiner: Roland Bol, 2012.
  10. Jonas Karlsson. Nivådiagnos med sensorfusion: Utveckling av koncept för nivåmätning i lutande tankar . Student thesis, supervisor: Ola Stenlåås, examiner: Alexander Medvedev, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 12030, 2012. (fulltext).
  11. Ivan Karlsson Starenius, Adam Elvander, and Victor Jansson. Starling IM: Slim instant messenger. Student thesis, supervisor: Roland Bol, examiner: Roland Bol, 2012.
  12. Erik Lövdahl and Anders Näsman. The Worldview Challenge. Student thesis, supervisor: Roland Bol, examiner: Roland Bol, 2012.
  13. Taavi Rahnel and Boris Ristov. Appar eller ej inom Fleet Management-områdetApps or no apps within the Fleet Management area. Student thesis, supervisor: Anders Lundsgård, examiner: Roland Bol, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 12010, 2012. (fulltext).
  14. Therése Svensson, Viktor Lövgren, and Madelen Petterson. Varma Hälsningar: Developing a web site with included web shop for a company selling greeting cards. Student thesis, supervisor: Roland Bol, examiner: Roland Bol, 2012.
  15. Saman Akbarian Tari, Stina-Kajsa Andersson, Johan Ekström, and Annika Reumark. A registration tool for scientific conferences. Student thesis, supervisor: Roland Bol, examiner: Roland Bol, 2012.
  16. Henrik Tördal. Mobile Applications as a Medium for Communicating Sustainability Initiatives: Addressing User Values and CSR. Student thesis, supervisor: Per Englund, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 12017, 2012. (fulltext).
  17. Frida Vestman. Ärendehantering i Windows 8: Nytt användargränssnitt för iipax permissionNext generation UI for case management. Student thesis, supervisor: Johan Mattsson, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andresdottir, UPTEC STS nr 12034, 2012. (fulltext).


  1. Johan Augustsson and Gustaf Nolinder. Metoder för utvärdering av nyttan av IT i sjukvården. Student thesis, supervisor: Bengt Göransson, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 11 021, 2011. (fulltext).
  2. Mattias Casselbrant and Niclas Grahn. Tågtrafikledare i praktiken: Informationshantering och systemanvändning vid Gävle driftledningscentral. Student thesis, supervisor: Ulrik Sjöström, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 034, 2011. (fulltext).
  3. Christopher DiLorenzo and Christopher Malefors. Android for Fighter Pilots: Replacing Paper with Tablet Technology. Student thesis, supervisor: Torbjörn Fransson, Michael Petterstedt, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 037, 2011. (fulltext).
  4. Staffan Enocksson. Modeling in MathWorks Simscapeby building a model of an automatic gearboxUtveckla simuleringsmodell av automatväxellåda i Matlabs egenutvecklade modelleringsmiljö Simscape. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Afram Kourie, examiner: Elisabet Andrésdóttir, Bengt Carlsson, UPTEC STS nr STS11 017, 2011. (fulltext).
  5. Lars Eriksson. Förbättrat hörande, förbättat övane, förbättrat stridande: En analys av hur artificiellt ljud kan användas för att öka realismen vid stridsträning.Improved hearing, improved training, improved warfighting. Student thesis, supervisor: Anders Modén, examiner: Carlsson Bengt, Andrésdóttir Elísabet, UPTEC STS nr 11028, 2011. (fulltext).
  6. Joakim Fennö. Fault code positioning: - Exploring the environment of DTCs creation. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Joakim Drott, examiner: Bo Nordin, Andresdottir Elisabet, UPTEC STS nr 11003, 2011. (fulltext).
  7. John Fihn and Johan Finndahl. A Framework for How to Make Use of an Automatic Passenger Counting System. Student thesis, supervisor: Margaret Hamilton, Georges Couenon, examiner: Arnold Pears, Elisabet Andresdottir, UPTEC STS nr 11033, 2011. (fulltext).
  8. Thomas Forsberg and Martin Woxlin. Modellbaserad temperaturregleringav partikelfiltrets regenereringsprocessModel based control of particulate filter regeneration. Student thesis, supervisor: Peter Carlson, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Alexander Medvedev, UPTEC STS nr 11044, 2011. (fulltext).
  9. Susanne Fredriksson. ??Auktorisation och ackreditering inom Försvarsmakten: En studie i nyttan av en standardiserad process för att hantera informationssäkerhet. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Theresé Bergengren, examiner: Aletta Nylén, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr STS11007, 2011. (fulltext).
  10. Fredrik Hernegren. Taking Affect into Consideration: Iterative User-Centered Design for an Affective and Ambiguous Mobile Application. Student thesis, supervisor: Marie Sjölinder, examiner: Else Nygren, Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 11 002, 2011. (fulltext).
  11. Ida Hillerdal. Personbilar i singelolyckor med dödlig utgång på Sveriges vägnät: Orsaker till olyckor och rekommendationer om hur dessa kan förebyggas. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Matteo Rizzi, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 011, 2011. (fulltext).
  12. Frida Iwar and Helena Lundgren. Framtidens bank: en studie av hur banker skulle kunna utformas med hjälp av användbarhet och social media. Student thesis, supervisor: Patrik Merup, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11029, 2011. (fulltext).
  13. Markus Karlsson and David Åhman. Framtidsoptimerad livscykeloch hantering av versioner: för Scanias Fleet ManagementavdelningOptimizing Scanias Fleet Management softwarelifecycle and version management for the future. Student thesis, supervisor: Mats Axelsson, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Roland Bol, UPTEC STS nr 11040, 2011. (fulltext).
  14. Karoline Kristo. Augmented Reality i mobiltelefonen: En kunskapssammanställning med trafikinriktning. Student thesis, supervisor: Niklas Johansson, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 030, 2011. (fulltext).
  15. Elin Kusoffsky. Små vatten- och avloppssystem: Möjligheter till inskränkning av verksamhtesområdenSmall scale water and wastewater systems: Letting go of the governance. Student thesis, supervisor: Per Rendahl, examiner: Bengt Carlsson, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11039, 2011. (fulltext).
  16. Thomas Lind. Införande av IT-system i slutenvården: En studie vid Lasarettet i Enköping. Student thesis, supervisor: Rebecka Janols, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 041, 2011. (fulltext).
  17. Cecilia Lundberg. Hur fungerar vårdens IT-system egentligen?: Jämförelse av elektroniska patientjournalsystem. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Rebecka Janols, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 015, 2011. (fulltext).
  18. Rickard Magnusson and Christopher DiLorenzo. Possibilities of Implementing a Swedish Mobile Health Service in Kenya using an ICT4D Approach: A Field Study. Student thesis, supervisor: Alexander Börve, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 11 051, 2011. (fulltext).
  19. Joakim Malmquist and Carl von Koch. Mobila plattformar och handhållna enheter: Framtida möjligheter och industriella tillämpningar. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Jimmy Jonasson, examiner: Lars Oestreicher, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 009, 2011. (fulltext).
  20. Thomas Norrmalm. Achieving Lean Software Development: Implementation of Agile and Lean Practices in a Manufacturing-Oriented Organization. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Tommy Hurtig, examiner: Elisabet Andrésdóttir, Roland Bol, UPTEC STS nr 11 010, 2011. (fulltext).
  21. Olov Sandberg and Alexander Ingvar. Utveckling av ett användbart IT-stöd: för att stödja operativa arbetsrutiner. Student thesis, supervisor: Reima Harju, examiner: Åsa Cajander, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 038, 2011. (fulltext).
  22. Philip Sjökvist. Verktyg för informationshämtning vid optimering av beredskapMethods for Optimizing Preparedness. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Hans Olausson, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Anders Jansson, UPTEC STS nr 11 008, 2011. (fulltext).
  23. Marie Wennberg. Att testa kvalitet: En validerande informationsinsamlingsmetod för ökad kunskapsåterföring. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Malin Frylmark, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 11 023, 2011. (fulltext).
  24. Christian Wennerström. Collaborative Filtering on Student thesis, supervisor: Erik Sondén, examiner: Kjell Orsborn, Elisabet Andresdottir, UPTEC STS nr 11 013, 2011. (fulltext).


  1. Sara Abramowicz. Online recruitment of cutting-edge users: A user experience study of Ericsson Labs developer portal. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Didier Chincholle, examiner: Mats Daniels, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 10011, 2010. (fulltext).
  2. Michel Adamek. Creating a Graphical User InterfaceTemplate for Izolde: The complete design process, focusing on usability and design. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Amin Allalou, examiner: Elísabet Andrésdóttir, Anders Jansson, UPTEC STS nr 10 009, 2010. (fulltext).
  3. Johan Alex. Business Navigator: Anva?ndarcentrerad utveckling av framtidens internetbank. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Amelie Thunström, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabeth Andresdóttír, UPTEC STS nr 10018, 2010. (fulltext).
  4. Erik Almlöf. Vad är viktigast i staden?: Utveckling av ett lokaliseringsverktyg för stadsplanering. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Mats Dunkars, examiner: Ewert Bengtsson, Elisabet Andresdottir, UPTEC STS nr 10 026, 2010. (fulltext).
  5. Anna Eriksson and Linda Falk. How to develop usable groupware. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Toni Granollers, Victor Penichet, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdottír, UPTEC STS nr 10 010, 2010. (fulltext).
  6. Emelie Eriksson Thörnell. Relation between Hazard Perception and Visual Behaviour among Older DriversFörhållandet mellan riskuppfattning och visuellt beteende bland äldre förare. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Tania Dukic, examiner: Elisabet Andresdottir, Anders Jansson, UPTEC STS nr 10 006, 2010. (fulltext).
  7. Linus Gad and Johan Palmdal. Standardisering av grafisk profil och utvecklingsprocess för webbapplikationer på Scania InfoMateStandardization of visual and procedural guidelines for developing user friendly web applications at Scania InfoMate. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Mathias Zetterfeldt Eriksson, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 10 030, 2010. (fulltext).
  8. Frida Harrysson. Simulation as a means of providing input to the CSMT. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Farshad Moradi, examiner: Kjartan Halvorsen, Elisabet Andresdottir, UPTEC STS nr 10025, 2010. (fulltext).
  9. Daniel Jonsson. Betal- och biljettsystem i kollektivtrafik: en kartläggning av aktörer och rollerFare Management System in Public Transport: an analysis of actors and roles. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Michael Stjärnekull, examiner: Roland Bol, Elisabet Andresdottir, UPTEC STS nr 10045, 2010. (fulltext).
  10. Filippa Jonsson. IT-baserat utbildningssystem för dialyspersonal: en användarcentrerad förstudieIT based educational system for dialysis staff: a user-centered exploratory study. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Anna Skytt, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 10 021, 2010. (fulltext).
  11. Magnus Larsson. CapExBio: A Knowledge Capitalizing, Cooperative Environment for the Genomics Community. Student thesis, supervisor: Philippe Picouet, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 10 023, 2010. (fulltext).
  12. Mattias Lindqvist and Jonas Lundin. Spare Part Logistics and Optimization for Wind Turbines: Methods for Cost-Effective Supply and Storage. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Tor Isdal, examiner: Bengt Carlsson, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 10 022, 2010. (fulltext).
  13. Maria Rydman. Analys av stationsplattformsutformning ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Björn Södergren, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 10015, 2010. (fulltext).
  14. Joel Sultan. En väg till förbättring: Systemanalys ur ett användarperspektiv. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Per Liljekvist, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andresdottir, UPTEC STS nr 10 008, 2010. (fulltext).
  15. Beata Thorstensson. Clinical Decision Support Systems in Context: Benefits, Challenges and Future Recommendations for Implementation in Rural Uganda. Student thesis, supervisor: Rustam Nabiev, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elísabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 10 041, 2010. (fulltext).
  16. Christine Zetterberg. Trafikinformation som når ut: En studie om nya kanaler för störningsinformation i trafikenTraffic Information: a Study of New Communications Channels for Information about Interference in the Traffic. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Stefan Myhrberg, examiner: Roland Bol, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 10 043, 2010. (fulltext).


  1. Erik Allemo. Mobile Phones as Technological Companions: Users' Perspectives and Experiences. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Sara Ljungbladh, Ylva Fernaeus, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 030, 2009. (fulltext).
  2. Daniel Berggren and Johan Gillhagen. BRIDGE: A Model for Future Research in Europe. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Paul Beatus, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 038, 2009. (fulltext).
  3. Zandra Cedén. Produktkvalitet som drivkraft för kundnöjdhet: Kund- och partnererfarenheter gällande Microsofts CRM-system - Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Karin Älfvåg, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 09 045, 2009. (fulltext).
  4. Sara Daniels. Utvärdering av datoranvändning i primärvården med särskilt fokus på remisshantering. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Rebecka Janols, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 024, 2009. (fulltext).
  5. Emil Fröderberg. Utvärdering av den nationella söktjänsten LIBRIS. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Henrik Lindström, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 016, 2009. (fulltext).
  6. Niclas Hedlund. Tyst kunskap och produktdatasystem vid medicinteknisk tillverkning: Pilotstudie av system för produktdatahantering och kartläggning av den tysta kunskapen vid Nationellt respirationscetrum, NRCTacit knowledge and product data management system in medical technology production: Pilot study of a PDM system and survey of the tacit knowledge at National respiratory centre, NRC. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Erik Hägerdal, examiner: Mats Daniels, Elísabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 014, 2009. (fulltext).
  7. Andreas Kristensson. Managing Quantitative Requirements in System Safety: A Generalization Based on Three Application Domains. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Christian Martinsson, Jan Espen Presteng, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 023, 2009. (fulltext).
  8. Pia Larsson. Riskhantering i vägprojekt: Effekt, nytta och förbättringar. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Göran Sohlberg, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 002, 2009. (fulltext).
  9. Karin Lindström and John Wedin. Konsekvensutredning inför införande av koncerngemensam systemplattform: Vad skulle det innebär att införa SAP på KSU, Kärnkraftssäkerhet och Utbildning AB. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Lena Ståhl, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 032, 2009. (fulltext).
  10. Sofie Lundborg. Drivers for Successful Multimedia Services in the Emerging Communication Market: A Study About the Trends in the Market and the Possibilities with IMS in the Future. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Åsa Carlson, examiner: Roland Bol, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 031, 2009. (fulltext).
  11. David Moody. Application Pressure for an Electronic Brake System: Estimation and Implementation of a Recursive Filter. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Daniel Frylmark, examiner: Alexander Medvedev, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 039, 2009. (fulltext).
  12. Staffan Persson. Kvarnkretssimulering för test av styrsystem. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Torbjörn Viklund, examiner: Alexander Medvedev, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 09 042, 2009. (fulltext).
  13. Hannes Rutqvist. Internet Marketing for Non-Profits: Mapping Behaviors to Outline Strategies. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Justin Pearson, examiner: Mats Daniels, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 029, 2009. (fulltext).
  14. Gustav Rydeman. Decision Support for Work Flow Control in a Warehouse Management System. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Peter Eriksson, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 09 047, 2009. (fulltext).
  15. Jenny Sirland. Realistisk restidsberäkning för comodal reseplanering. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Stefan Myhrberg, examiner: Roland Bol, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 010, 2009. (fulltext).
  16. Jon Werkander. Erfarenhetsrapportering vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB: Utvärdering av erfarenhetsåterföringsprocessen samt utveckling av ett systemstöd. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Jon Löfström, Conny Östlund, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 006, 2009. (fulltext).
  17. Andreas Wikensjö. Performance Optimisation with a Real-Time Database. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Mattias Jakobsson, examiner: Tore Risch, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 021, 2009. (fulltext).
  18. Filip Åsblom. Wiki as a Collaboration and Information Tool in Business: Analysis and Implementation. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Tomas Mundt-Petersen, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 09 017, 2009. (fulltext).


  1. Carl-Henrik Arvidsson. Finding Representations of People from Web Appearances. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Markus Bylund, examiner: Arnold Pears, Elisabet Andésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 031, 2008. (fulltext).
  2. Leonard Bachner. Projektering av passersystem: En studie i användarstöd vid offertarbete för ARX passersystem. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Petter Bergström, examiner: Olle Ericsson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 030, 2008. (fulltext).
  3. Arvid Bergsten and Daniel Zetterberg. Traffic Route Guidance using Feedback of Predicted Travel Times: Improving Travel Times in the Berlin Traffic Network. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Kai Nagel, examiner: Bengt Carlsson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 021, 2008. (fulltext).
  4. Petra Bernhoff. System Identification and Control of an Irrigation Channel with a Tunnel. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Erik Weyer, examiner: Bengt Carlsson, Elisabat Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 009, 2008. (fulltext).
  5. Johannes Borgehammar. The Other Shore of Offshoring: Current and Future Projects at a Global Delivery Center. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Wan Feng, examiner: Anders Berglund, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 022, 2008. (fulltext).
  6. Christoffer Edkvist. Beslutsstöd för marknadscontrollers: En fallstudie av informationsbehov hos kundföretag. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Daniel Bolin, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 08 016, 2008. (fulltext).
  7. Tove Grufman. Riskbedömning och riskhantering i samband med vägbyggen. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Göran Sohlberg, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 014, 2008. (fulltext).
  8. Gustav Hedberg. Adaptiv temperaturreglering av bostadshus. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Stefan Larsson, examiner: Bengt Carlsson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 020, 2008. (fulltext).
  9. Caroline Hägglund. Design of a Driver-Vehicle Interface for Local Surrounding World Information in Intersections. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Niklas Adolfsson, Johannes Agardh, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 015, 2008. (fulltext).
  10. Erica Härefors. Use of Large Screen Displays in Nuclear Control Room. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Gisle Andresen, Magnhild Kaarstad, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 024, 2008. (fulltext).
  11. Rebecka Janols. A Usability Study in Primary Care: Conceptual Design of the Representation of Health Problem in Computer Based Medical. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Martin Wiman, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 012, 2008. (fulltext).
  12. Mattias Karlsson. Towards a Resilient Production System: Strategy for Implementation of Business Continuity Planning. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Elisabet Altin, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 08 002, 2008. (fulltext).
  13. Niklas Molin. To Calculate with Averages: What is a Good Result in the Absence of the Correct?. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Mats Holmberg, examiner: Torsten Söderström, Elisabet Andésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 029, 2008. (fulltext).
  14. Jonas Myhr. Supporting Collaboration in Dispersed Organisations using Computer Software: eCollaboration in AstraZeneca. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Marybeth Ferrante, examiner: Arnold Pears, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 017, 2008. (fulltext).
  15. Johan Månsson Lindström. Soft Softer Sopho: Utformning av ett användbart användargränssnitt för mjukvarutelefoner. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Rickard Jonsson, examiner: Anders Jansson, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 08 006, 2008. (fulltext).
  16. Daniel Norin. Hur organiserar forskare sitt material?: Personlig informationshantering i en vetenskaplig forskningsmiljö. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Anders Jansson, examiner: Erik Borälv, Elisabet Andrésdottir, UPTEC STS nr 08 019, 2008. (fulltext).
  17. Jon-Erik Olsson and Jimmy Sandell. Strategic Business Intelligence at Toyota Material Handling Europe. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Peter Hyltberg, examiner: Roland Bol, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 032, 2008. (fulltext).
  18. Sofia Persson. Design of a Health Issue Focused Patient Overview: A User-centred Approach to Increase Situation Awareness. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Martin Wiman, examiner: Bengt Sandblad, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 008, 2008. (fulltext).
  19. Per Pettersson. Numerical Analysis of Burgers' Equation with Uncertain Boundary Conditions using the Stochastic Galerkin Method. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Gianluca Iaccarino, Jan Nordström, examiner: Per Lötstedt, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 011, 2008. (fulltext).
  20. Ester Veibäck. Säkerhetsanalys av brandbekämpning i kritiska utrymmen på Forsmark 1. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Johan Sandstedt, examiner: Bengt Carlsson, Elisabet Andrésdóttir, UPTEC STS nr 08 026, 2008. (fulltext).

Updated  2015-01-30 23:10:43 by Olle Eriksson.