This is the joint course homepage for the Operating systems I and Operating systems and process oriented programming courses at the Department of information technology, Uppsala university, spring 2018.
Course code | Course name | Abbreviation | Credits (hp) |
Grading system |
Programs |
1DT044 | Operating systems I | OS | 5 | Fail (U), 3, 4, 5 | IT, F, FRI |
1DT096 | Operating systems and process oriented programming | OSPP | 15 | Fail (U), 3, 4, 5 | KandDv |
Both courses includes an introduction to fundamental operating system concepts. The main difference between the two courses is, that 1DT096 (OSPP) also includes an introduction to various concurrency programming paradigms and ends with a large group project.
The entry requirements for both courses (1DT044 and 1DT096) states that you should be familiar with computer architecture and programming.
Course code | Programs | Entry requirements |
1DT044 | IT, F, FRI | Computer programming (first and second course), Computer architecture (first course). |
1DT096 | KandDv | 60 credits including Computer architecture and Imperative and object-oriented methods of programming. |
Syllabus and results (individual progress) can be found in the Student portal.
Slides for all lectures will be added, at the latest right before the lecture starts, to the slides GitHub repository.
We will use Piazza for class discussion. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates and the teaching staff. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, students are encouraged to post questions on Piazza.
Public announcements will be posted on Piazza. However, there may still be times when the teaching staff wants to contact a single student (or a group of students) personally for matters not suitable for Piazza.
If you don’t read your student email address, please make sure to set up email forwarding in the Student portal and verify that it works. Contact the support if you encounters any problems.