Concurrent addition

Optional assignment for higher grade

Learning outcomes

To complete this assignment, you must:

  • interpret and implement a set of requirements
  • make a system design
  • define function interfaces and test cases (EUnit)
  • integrate all parts into a working system
  • provide documentation (EDoc).

Grade 4

For grade four you must implement requirements 0, 1, 2 and 3.

Requirement 0 (Erlang)

The system should be implemented in Erlang.

Requirement 1 (basic input and output)

This requirement specifies the basic input and output of the system.


Radix - one of binary, hexadecimal or decimal.

Representations of two numbers A and B in the given radix.


A textual representation of the addition A + B.


Given Radix = 10 (decimal), A = 127 and B = 93, a textual representation of the addition A + B should look similar to his.

   1 1
   - -
   1 2 7
     9 3
 + -----
   2 2 0

Requirement 2 (concurrent addition of segments)

By giving an optional input N, the digits in the input arguments A and B should be broken down in N segments: AN, AN-1, …, A1 and BN, BN-1, …, B1 , where XN represents the most significant digits in X and X1 represents the least significant digits in X. The segments should be of equal length, i.e., containing approximately the same number of digits.

For any pair of segments Ai and Bi:

length(Ai) == length(Bi).

Let Ci be the carry-in and Ci+1 be the carry-out when adding segments Ai and Bi. The addition of the segments should be done concurrently, hence for each pair of segments:

{Sumi, Ci+1} = Ai + Bi + Ci

, should be calculated by an individual process Pi. In the following example, two decimal numbers A and B are split into N=3 segments.

Requirement 3 (verbose output)

When starting the system, provide an input that enables or disables verbose output. When verbose output is enabled, print out detailed information about critical steps in the internal processing.

Grade 5

For grade 5, in addition to requirements 0, 1, 2 and 3, you must also implement requirements 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Requirement 4 (random sleep)

Because computations in a concurrent system can interact with each other while they are executing, the number of possible execution paths in the system can be extremely large.

One way to test more paths is to introduce random sleeps in the system. Obviously this makes the system slower but we do this while testing the system hoping to explore more of the execution space.

Within a segment X of length n, digits are numbered xn, xn-1, …, x1 where xn is the most significant digit and x1 is the least significant digit. The addition of two digits requires a carry-in ci and produces a sum and a carry-out ci+1.

There should be an option to introduce a random sleep after each digit addition {sumi, ci+1} = ai + bi + ci within the process Pi. An optional argument {Min, Max} defines the minimal and maximal random sleep time.

Requirement 5 (speculative execution)

In order to start calculating a segment sum, the carry-in must be known. This is a sequential bottleneck in the design.

On way to tackle the sequential bottleneck is to calculate segments sums for all possible values of the carry in. When the real carry in is known, the correct segment sum can be selected.

There should be an option to turn on speculative execution on the two possible values 0 and 1 for the the carry-in Ci.

When adding two segments, a process is spawned for each possible value of the carry-in. When the correct carry-in is available the correct segment sum can be selected.

Requirement 6 (conditional process termination)

As soon as the correct carry-in for a segment pair is available, there is no need to speculate any more since we know which of the two speculative processes will yield the desired result.

As soon as the correct carry-in Cs for the segment pair As and Bs is available, the speculative processes Ps,x where xCs should be terminated by the process Ps.

Requirement 7 (automatic testing)

Provide EUnit test cases for all functions with a deterministic relationship between the inputs and the output.

Requirement 8 (documentation)

Provide EDoc documentation for all functions.

Higher grade code grading

This assignment will be graded on Monday, Mars 8 at 08:15 - 10:00 in room P1549.