In the fifo.erl module you implemented a functional FIFO queue such that, after each push or pop operation a new version of the queue is returned. An alternative is to keep the immutable FIFO in a stateful Erlang process.
A system is described as stateful if it is designed to remember preceding events or user interactions; the remembered information is called the state of the system. 1
A common pattern in Erlang is to provide stateful services as separate processes. By spawning a process that executes a tail recursive function, the arguments to the recursive function is used to hold the state of the stateful process. In the recursive function, the process waits for messages to be received. When a message is received, the process can change state by calling the recursive function with an updated argument.
The built in function self()
returns the process id (PID) of the caller.
Study the following Erlang module and try to see if you can guess what the functions does.
-export([start/0, tock/1, stop/1]).
start() ->
spawn(fun() -> loop(0) end).
tock(Pid) ->
Pid ! {tock, self()},
T = {tick, _N} -> T
stop(Pid) ->
Pid ! {stop, self()},
{stop, ok} ->
loop(N) ->
{tock, From} ->
From ! {tick, N},
{stop, From} ->
From ! {stop, ok}
A short explanation of the functions in the tick
with 0
argument. The process id of the new process is returned.{tock, self()}
to the process with process id Pid
waits for a `{tick, _N} message in return.{stop, self()}
to the process with process id Pid
waits for the message {stop, ok}
in return.
A recursive function used to wait for incoming messages.
When the message {tock , From}
is received, the message {tick, N}
sent in return to the process with process id From
and then a recursive
call loop(N+1)
is made. The process executing the loop/1
function has
now changed state from N
to N+1
When the message {stop , From}
is received, the message {stop, ok}
sent in return to the process with process id From
and no recursive call
is made. The process executing the loop/1
function has now terminated.
Try to understand the following Erlang shell session.
1> T = tick:start().
2> tick:tock(T).
3> tick:tock(T).
4> tick:tock(T).
5> tick:tock(T).
6> tick:stop(T).
What conclusions can be made from the above Erlang shell session?
The tock/1
function now appears to have state. Calling tock/1
with the same
argument T
no longer returns the same value. The state is kept in a stateful
process. The tock/1
and stop/1
functions hides the message passing protocol
between the caller and the stateful process.
If we keep the FIFO queue as a separate process, we can use the PID to the FIFO process as a reference to the FIFO. When we update the state of the FIFO, the PID remains the same.
Open the moudle-8/mandatory/src/sfifo.erl
module. This module exports a number
of functions. The first of these exported functions is sfifo:new/0
spawns a new process executing the loop/1
function. The state of the loop/1
function is an immutable FIFO queue, i.e., an instance of the immutable FIFO
abstract data type you implemented in the
Look at the generated html documentation for the sfifo.erl
To inspect and modify the state of the FIFO queue, messages can be sent to the
FIFO process and received in the loop/1
It is good practice to hide the message passing protocol inside a functional
interface. The following functions are already implemented:
Your task is to provide working implementations of the following interface functions:
You will also need to make changes to the loop/1
The immutable FIFO you implemented in fifo.erl
throws an exception if you try
to pop an empty FIFO.
The stateful FIFO you implement in sfifo.erl
should not throw an exception if
you try to pop an empty FIFO, instead the tuple {error, 'empty fifo'}
be returned. If you are not allowed to change fifo.erl
, how can you accomplish
Tip 1
In sfifo:loop/1
, maybe you can use the fifo:empty/1
function to test if the FIFO
is empty before using fifo:pop/1
Tip 2
You cannot use fifo:empty/1
together with the Erlang if statement. If
you do, you will get an error telling you that this will be an illegal guard.
The if statement only allows guard sequences and guards must be
free of side effects. Hence only a subset of valid Erlang expressions are
allowed in guards. Erlang cannot know if fifo:empty/1
is free of any side
Tip 3
Use the Erlang case expression instead of the if expression. The case expression allows for arbitrary expressions to be tested and matched similar to how function clauses uses pattern matching and guards.
There are a number of EUnit test cases at the end of sfifo.erl
Repeat the following cycle.
$ make
$ make test_sfifo
To make sure you trigger a new compile, delete the following beam file.
$ rm ebin/sfifo.beam
You don’t have to delete the beam file before each compile in the future. The
make utility will automatically recompile if you made any changes to
Use make to compile the src/sfifo.erl
module and create the resulting
$ make
You will see a number of warnings:
src/sfifo.erl:14: Warning: opaque type sfifo() is not exported
src/sfifo.erl:65: Warning: variable 'Fifo' is unused
src/sfifo.erl:73: Warning: variable 'Fifo' is unused
src/sfifo.erl:73: Warning: variable 'Value' is unused
Warnings - but success! The warnings about unused variables will go away one after another as you work your way through the assignment.
If you get the following warning,
Warning: opaque type sfifo() is not exported
, export the opaque type sififo()
like this.
-opaque sfifo()::pid().