PhD Studies at the IT Department
How to become a PhD student?
Get a PhD at the Department of Information Technology Open PhD positions are advertised whenever funding is available, which can be any time of the year: the advertisements are posted at and Find a department-level summary of the admission procedure and read also the faculty-level information on becoming a PhD student. A PhD position is for four to five years of full time, depending on how many teaching duties are included. The PhD education itself requires 240 credits, which corresponds to four years of full-time coursework and research.
Information for current PhD students
Find PhD courses, the department-level PhD manual (internal), and current PhD matters (internal).
In 2017, there was a national evaluation of PhD education in the subject of Computer Science (the other PhD subjects at our department are listed in the white box to the right): our submitted self-evaluation (in Swedish) and on-site interviews led to the best possible grade of high quality (document in Swedish).
Computer Science
- General
- with specialisation in database technology
- with specialisation in computer science education research
- with specialisation in computer communication
- with specialisation in human-computer interaction
- with specialisation in embedded systems
Computerised Image Processing
- General
Electrical Engineering
- with specialisation in automatic control
- with specialisation in signal processing
Machine Learning
- General
Scientific Computing
- General
- with specialisation in numerical analysis