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Department of Information Technology

PhD Admission Procedure at the IT Department

The vast majority of our PhD students have successfully applied for an open PhD position, which gives rise to a salaried employment. Note that scholarships/stipends as well as employment in industry or at another university are special cases. Open PhD positions are advertised whenever funding is available, which can be any time of the year: the advertisements are posted at and

If you are offered the PhD position you applied for, then you need to fill in the following three documents (the forms are available at the faculty website) in cooperation with the recruiting supervisors, in order to apply for actual admission to the PhD programme:

  • Application for admission
  • Cover page for admission to doctoral education
  • Individual study plan

Give these three documents, together with a copy of your degree/certificate/diploma from a basic degree or higher education, to Ulrika Andersson or Anna-Lena Forsberg. They will hand all these documents, together with the employment contract they prepare, to the Head of Department, who will take the final decision whether or not to admit the PhD applicant.

Updated  2021-04-14 13:21:46 by Pierre Flener.