The 3rd FORMATS was held in Uppsala, Sweden, September 26 - 28, 2005 in conjunction with ARTIST2 summer school, September 29 - October 2, 2005, on Component Modelling, Testing and Verification, and Static analysis of embedded systems.
Proceedings is published as number 3829 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer-Verlag.
Objective and Scope
In the past, timing aspects of systems from a variety of computer science domains have been treated independently in separate scientific disciplines: People who are interested in semantics, verification or performance analysis are working on models such as timed automata, or timed Petri nets. Electrical engineers have to consider propagation delays in their circuits and designers of embedded controllers have to take into account the time it takes for the controller to compute its reaction after sampling the environment.
While indeed the timing related questions in these separate disciplines have their particularities (e.g. worst case analysis vs. average case optimisation), there is a growing awareness of the difficult problems common to all of them, suggesting the interdisciplinary study of Timed Systems: The unifying theme underlying all these apparently different domains is that they treat systems whose behaviour depends upon combinations of logical and temporal constraints, e.g. constraints on the distance between the occurrences of two events.
The aim of FORMATS is to promote the study of fundamental and
practical aspects of timed systems, and to bring together researchers
from different disciplines that share interests in modelling and analysis
of timed systems. Typical topics include (but are not limited to):
Foundations and Semantics: contributions to the
theoretical foundations of timed systems and timed formal languages as
well as comparison between different models used by different
communities (timed automata, timed petri nets, hybrid automata,
max-plus algebra, etc.).
Methods and Tools: techniques, algorithms, data structures,
and software tools for analyzing timed systems and resolving temporal
constraints (scheduling, worst-case execution time analysis,
model-checking, testing etc).
Applications: adaptation and specialization of timing
technology to the modeling and analysis of certain types of application
domains in which timing plays an important role (real-time software,
hardware circuits, and problems of scheduling in manufacturing or
The proceedings of FORMATS'05 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer. Submissions should be in LNCS format and not exceed 15 pages.
Previous FORMATS
FORMATS is aimed to be a major annual event dedicated to the study of Timed Systems, uniting three independently started workshop series related to the topic: MTCS (held as satellite event of CONCUR'00-02), RT-TOOLS (held as satellite event of CONCUR'01 and FLoC'02) and TPTS (at ETAPS'02). In 2003, FORMATS'03 was associated to CONCUR'03 (International Conference on Concurrency theory). In 2004 it was organised in conjunction with FTRTFT (Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant System).