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Department of Information Technology

This page is a copy of research/scientific_computing/seminars/2013 (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:01:29)

Seminars 2013

19 December at 12.00 in room 2347, SIAM Student Chapter Seminar

Of cows and calculus: how mammals regulate blood calcium with precision

11 December in room 2446

Automated Solution of Differential Equations

20 November in room 2345

Learning dynamical systems using particle filters

15 November at 13.15 in room 2347, docent lecture (in Swedish)

Effektiva metoder för stora elektronstrukturberäkningar

13 November in room 2247

Link prediction and affiliation recommendation using auxiliary sources of information

24 October

Monte Carlo hybrid Chernoff tau leap method for stochastic simulation of chemical reaction networks

23 October

Solving nonlinear constrained optimization problems based on Krylov methods

22 October at 10.15 in room 1311, licentiate seminar

Difference methods with boundary and interface treatment for wave equations

15 October at 13.15 in room 1211, licentiate seminar

Numerical Quantum Dynamics

8 October

Workshop in Computational and Mathematical Finance

with Johan Waldén, University of California, Berkeley, starting with registration at 9.30.

See the homepage

Organized in collaboration with Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics

25 September in room 2244

High performance adaptive finite element methods

11 September in room 1145

Numerical challenges in particle simulation of kinetic diffusion equations in toroidal plasmas

22 August, PhD student seminar

Stochastic Simulation of Reaction Diffusion Processes on Unstructured Meshes

Accelerated convergence for Schrödinger equations with non-smooth potentials

21 August

Tackling the construction of probability distributions arising in Bio-Chemical networks

14 August

Difference Potentials Method and its Applications to Composite Domains Problems and to Chemotaxis Models in Biology

5 June at 14.00 in room 2446

Mini-Symposium in Numerical Analysis

  • Olof Widlund, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA: "Domain Decomposition Algorithms for PDEs with Two Sets of Coefficients"
  • Raymond Chan, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: "Linearized alternating direction method for constrained linear least-squares problem"
  • Elisabeth Larsson, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University: "A Galerkin radial basis function method applied to the Schrödinger equation"

4 June at 14.00 in room 2446, licentiate seminar

On discontinuous Galerkin multiscale methods

31 May at 14.00 in room 2446, licentiate seminar

Scientific computing on hybrid architectures

22 May in room 2244

Mathematical optimization at Chalmers

8 May in room 2345

On Optimal Link Activation and Scheduling in Wireless Networks

24 April in room 2345

Spectral theory and Galerkin approximations

10 April in room 2345

The Schrödinger Equation in Quantum Dynamics - Applications to Chemical Physics

3 April

Design optimization for wave propagation problems by material distribution
Acoustics and electromagnetics: same same or different?

6 March in room 2345

Docentföreläsning: Biologi: en utmaning för Numerisk Analys

13 February in room 2446

Extraction of periodic structures from time series using Koopman analysis: An extension of normal-mode and Fourier analyses

7 February

High order preserving residual distribution schemes for advection-diffusion like problems on arbitrary grids, application to the Navier Stokes equations

31 January

Explorations in Numerical Aerodynamic Shape Optimization

23 January

PARALUTION - a Library for Iterative Sparse Methods on CPU and GPU

Updated  2022-08-31 15:01:29 by Victor Kuismin.