Program acronyms
Program ID | Program |
BI | Bachelor of Science programme in Construction Engineering |
BMI | Bachelor of Science programme in Construction Engineering & Bach |
COLL | College education |
DIST | Distance course |
DSV | Data- och systemvetenskap |
DV | Bach. or Master programme in computer science |
DVK | DVK Kandidatprogram i datavetenskap 180hp |
DVM | International master programme in computer science |
DVM-SK | Sino-Swedish Master Programme in Computer Science |
DVP | Master programme in computer science |
E | Masters program in Electrical Engineering |
EI | Bachelor of Science programme in Electronical Engineering |
ES | Master of Science programme in Energy Systems Engineering |
F | Master of Science programme in Engineering Physics |
F1 | Master of Science programme in Energy Systems Engineering 300 h. |
FORSK | PhD student |
FRI | Single subject course |
FyK | FyK Kandidatprogram i fysik |
HCIM | Master program in human-computer interaction |
ISM | Master program in embedded systems |
IT | Master of Science programme in Information Technology Engineeri |
K | Master of Science programme in Chemical Engineering |
K1 | Master of Science programme in Chemical Engineering year 1 |
K2 | Master of Science programme in Chemical Engineering year 2 (old) |
KemKand | KemKand Kandidatprogram i kemi |
KVÄ | Evening class |
LÄR | LÄR Lärarprogrammet |
M.FL CIV | and others |
MaFyK | MaFyK Kandidatprogram i matematik alt. fysik |
MaK | MaK Kandidatprogram i matematik |
MaM | MaM Master Programme in Mathematics |
MASTER | International master student |
MDI | Human-Computer Interaction |
mfl civi | and other master of science programmes |
MI | MI Maskiningenjör (högskoleingenjör) |
Msino | Sino-Swedish Specialisation in Computer Science and Software Eng |
NVP | Master programme in natural sciences |
NÄT | Studyplace: Internet |
Q | Master of Science programme in Materials Engineering |
SOM | Summer course |
SPRTEK | SPRTEK Språkteknologiprogrammet |
SPTM | Master program in language technology |
STS | Master of Science programme in Sociotechnical System Engineering |
TBM | Master program in computational science |
TBV | Computing Science |
W | Master of Science programme in Aquatic and Environmental Enginee |
X | Master of Science programme in Molecular Biotechnology Engineeri |
Xbio | Master of Science programme in Bioinformatics Engineering |
XM | XM Master programme in Bioinformatics |
XY | Master of Science programme in Bioinformatics Engineering |