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Department of Information Technology


I am or have been teaching in the following courses:

Semester Course name Role
2021 Fall Automatic control III Teaching assistant, Homeworks
2021 Fall SMC PhD course 1 lecture, Teaching assistant
2021 Spring Systems analysis and operations research Lab assistant, Homeworks
2020 Fall Automatic control III Teaching assistant, Homeworks
2020 Spring Automatic control II Lab assistant, Homeworks
2019 Fall Automatic control III Teaching assistant, Homeworks
2019 Fall SMC PhD course Teaching assistant
2019 Spring Introduction to computer control systems Teaching assistant, Lab assistant
2018 Fall Automatic control I Lab assistant, Homeworks
2018 Fall Automatic control III Teaching assistant, Homeworks
2017 Fall Automatic control I Lab assistant, Homeworks
2017 Fall Automatic control III Teaching assistant, Homeworks
2017 Spring Automatic control I Lab assistant, Homeworks
2016 Fall Transform Methods Project assistant
2016 Fall Automatic control III Teaching assistant, Homeworks
2014 Fall Automatic control II Homeworks
Updated  2021-08-09 14:34:58 by Anna Wigren.