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Department of Information Technology

Title: Intensive PhD course: Sequential Monte Carlo methods
Date: August 26-30, 2019.
Place: Uppsala University.
More information: Available here.

Title: ASSEMBLE project workshop 2019
Date: June 10-11, 2019.
Place: Hotel Kristina, Sigtuna.
Purpose: Bring together all researchers active within the ASSEMBLE project for a focused time working on the project.
Details: ASSEMBLE project workshop 2019 website

ASSEMBLE project workshop 2018
Date: 22 March, 2018.
Place: Uppsala University.
Purpose: Bring together all researchers active within the ASSEMBLE project and create the possibility for collaborations to be formed.
Details: ASSEMBLE project workshop 2018 website

Title: 1st Birch workshop
Date: 20 March, 2018.
Place: ITC at Uppsala University, 4308.

Title: Probabilistic programming workshop
Date: 16 - 17 November, 2017.
Place: University main building, Uppsala University.
Details: Probabilistic Programming Workshop website

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods, also known as particle filters or particle methods, have over the past two decades emerged as very successful tools for computational inference in statistical models, including (but not limited to) nonlinear dynamical systems. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers developing and using SMC methods in various scientific fields (both in academia and industry). The list of speakers should make for a very interesting event; hope to see you there!

Title: SMC workshop 2017
Dates: 2017-08-30 - 2017-09-01
Place: Norrlands nation, Uppsala
Details: SMC2017 website

Title: Probabilistic Modelling Abstractions (mini-workshop)
Date: 2016-10-26
Place: Uppsala University, ITC/4308.
Details: The main purpose of this mini-workshop is to brainstorm and discuss different perspectives of syntax, semantics, and abstractions for probabilistic modelling.

Updated  2022-11-21 14:52:12 by Thomas Schön.