The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working within the area of verification. The presentations are given by talented researcher from different parts of the word.
All the lectures will take place in room 1145
Coffee break at 14.30.
is a member of the Computing and Software Principles research department at Bell Labs. He holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, and a B.Tech degree from IIT Madras, all in Computing Sciences. His research interests span many aspects of program analysis and verification.
is an associate professor at Brno University of Technology. He is working in the department of Intelligent Systems and his research is focused on computer-aided formal analysis and verification.
is a professor at the University of Paris 7. He is a member in the Modeling and Verification team, evolving within the LIAFA laboratory. His research is closely related to ours and he has been collaborating with our group on many occasions.