LifeSec: Don't Hack my Body!
Today, millions of people around the world rely on implanted medical devices (IMDs), such as pacemakers, for life-critical functions. This number is expected to increase tremendously in the future in particular as new application areas for implanted medical devices, such as drug delivery systems, intracranial pressure monitoring devices and artificial kidneys are emerging. A further trend is to network these implanted devices which is necessary since more and more (elderly) people have multiple diseases that can benefit from implanted devices. Moreover, networking these implanted devices also enables new sensing applications within the human body. Nevertheless, some applications cannot be realized today due to a lack of bandwidth inside the body since current in-body communication methods such as capacitive and galvanic coupling do not offer high data rates.
We have recently pioneered a novel approach that addresses exactly these issues: We have shown that the human body’s adipose (fat) tissue can be used as an energy-efficient communication channel for RF-based communication. One major advantage of this approach is that it can support high data rates which helps support multiple sensors and more data-intensive applications such as electronic arms and brain-to-machine interfaces.
While offering exciting opportunities for future health care, implanted devices need to be effectively secured in order to avoid horrible and life-threatening scenarios where attackers control implanted devices such as pacemakers or insulin pumps, or install malware or ransomware inside a human’s body. Since our approach is under development, we can design for security from the beginning rather than adding it at a later stage, which often implies that compromises have to be made that may adventure security.
Please find a short article about in-body communication and sensing using adipose tissue at [1]
- P. Rangaiah et al., ‘Realization of a Portable Semi-Shielded Chamber for Evaluation of Fat-Intrabody Communication’, IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 72743–72755, 2023.
- T. Shaw, B. Mandal, D. Mitra, P.K.B. Rangaiah, M. D. Perez, and R. Augustine, “Metamaterial integrated highly efficient wireless power transfer system for implantable medical devices,” AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 173, p. 155010, Jan. 2024.
- T. Shaw et al., “Wireless Power Transfer System design using zero-index metamaterial for implantable medical devices,” 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Mar. 2023.
- Singh, A., Mandal, B., Biswas, B., Chatterjee, S., Banerjee, S.,Mitra, D., & Augustine, R. (2024). Microwave Antenna-Assisted Machine Learning: A Paradigm Shift in Non-Invasive Brain Hemorrhage Detection. IEEE Access.
- F. E. Tosun, A. M. H. Teixeira, M. Abdalmoaty, A. Ahlén, S. Dey. “Quickest Detection of Bias Injection Attacks on the Glucose Sensor in the Artificial Pancreas Under Meal Disturbances”. Journal of Process Control, vol. 153, no. 103162, March 2024.
- F. E. Tosun, A. M. H. Teixeira, A. Ahlén, S. Dey. “Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Detector Design Against Bias Injection Attacks in an Artificial Pancreas System”. Accepted to thes 12th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SafeProcess), Ferarra, Italy, 2024.
- F. E. Tosun, A. M. H. Teixeira. “Robust Sequential Detection of Non-stealthy Sensor Deception Attacks in an Artificial Pancreas System”. In Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023.
- Padmal, M., Rohner, C., Augustine, R., Voigt, T. “RFID Tags as Passive Temperature Sensors”. In: 17th annual international conference on RFID, 2023.
- Padmal, M., Engstrand, J., Augustine, R., Voigt, T. “Signal Leakage in Fat Tissue-Based In-Body Communication: Preserving Implant Data Privacy”. In Proc. of the Int'l ACM Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, 2023.
- Johan Engstrand, Madhushanka Padmal, Bappaditya Mandal, Pramod Rangaiah, Mauricio D. Perez, Maria Mani, Robin Augustine, and Thiemo Voigt. "Design Options for Aggregators for In-body Networks", International Conference on Body Area Networks, Milano, Italy, 2024
- Konrad-Felix Krentz, Thiemo Voigt. “More Lightweight, yet Stronger: Revisiting OSCORE's Replay Protection”, NDSS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Standardized IoT (SDIoTSec '24), San Diego, USA, 2024
- Konrad-Felix Krentz and Thiemo Voigt. "Reducing Trust Assumptions with OSCORE, RISC-V, and Layer 2 One-Time Passwords", 15th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, 2022
- Wenqing, Yan, and Ambuj Varshney. "Poster - Enabling L3: low cost, low complexity and low power radio frequency sensing using tunnel diodes." Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing And Networking. 2022.
- Wenqing, Yan, Thiemo Voigt, and Christian Rohner. "RRF: A Robust Radiometric Fingerprint System that Embraces Wireless Channel Diversity." Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. 2022.
- Fatih Emre Tosun , Andre Teixeira, Anders Ahlen and Subhrakanti Dey. "Detection of Bias Injection Attacks on the Glucose Sensor in the Artificial Pancreas Under Meal Disturbance". IEEE American Control Conference 2022
- Johan Engstrand, Mauricio D. Perez, Bappaditya Mandal, Johan Liden, Christian Rohner,Thiemo Voigt, Robin Augustine. "End-to-End Transmission of Physiological Data from Implanted Devices to a Cloud-Enabled Aggregator Using Fat Intra-Body Communication in a Live Porcine Model". EUCAP 2022.
- Viktor Mattsson, Mauricio D. Perez, Leanne L. G. C. Ackermansy, Maud A.M Vesseury, Julia L.M. Belsk, Marcel C.G. van de Poll, Bappaditya Mandal, Patricia Sanchez-Gonzalez, Alexander P. Seiffertz, Enrique J. Gomez, Jan A. Ten Boschy, Taco J. Blokhuisy, Robin Augustine. "Muscle Analyzer System: Exploring CorrelationBetween Novel Microwave Resonator and Ultrasound-based Tissue Information in the Thigh". EUCAP 2022.
- Konrad-Felix Krentz, Madhushanka Padmal, Bappaditya Mandal, Robin Augustine, Thiemo Voigt. "Dataset: Enabling Offline Tuning of Fat Channel Communication". ACM Data: Acquisition To Analysis 2021.
- Konrad-Felix Krentz, Alex Kangas, Thiemo Voigt. "Multi-Armed Bandit-based Channel Hopping: Implementation on Embedded Devices". International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking 2021.
- Alexander Gallo, Sribalaji Anand, André Teixeira, and Riccardo Ferrari. “Design of multiplicative watermarking against covert attacks”. IEEE Conf. on Decisions and Control, 2021.
- Riccardo Ferrari and André Teixeira. “A Switching Multiplicative Watermarking Scheme for Detection of Stealthy Cyber-Attacks”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2558-2573, June 2021.
- Viktor Mattsson, Viktor, Leanne LGC Ackermans, Bappaditya Mandal, Mauricio D. Perez, Maud AM Vesseur, Paul Meaney, Jan A. Ten Bosch, Taco J. Blokhuis, and Robin Augustine. “MAS: Standalone Microwave Resonator to Assess Muscle Quality”. Sensors 2021, 21, 5485.
- Tarakeswar Shaw, Gopinath Samanta, Debasis Mitra, Bappaditya Mandal, and Robin Augustine. 2021. “Design of Metamaterial Based Efficient Wireless Power Transfer System Utilizing Antenna Topology for Wearable Devices”. Sensors, 21(10), p.3448.
- Goutam Kumar Das, Subhadeep Basu, Bappaditya Mandal, Debasis Mitra, Robin Augustine, and Monojit Mitra. 2020. “Gain-enhancement technique for wearable patch antenna using grounded metamaterial”. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 14(15), pp.2045-2052.
- Soumyadeep Das, Debasis Mitra, Bappaditya Mandal, and Robin Augustine. 2020. “Implantable antenna gain enhancement using liquid metal-based reflector.” Applied Physics A, 126(9), pp.1-7.
- Noor Badariah Asan, Emadeldeen Hassan, Mauricio David Perez, Laya Joseph, Martin Berggren, Thiemo Voigt, and Robin Augustine. 2021. “Fat-IntraBody Communication at 5.8 GHz?: Verification of Dynamic Body Movement Effects Using Computer Simulation and Experiments”. IEEE Access, 9, 48429–48445.
- Abbas Arghavani, Anders Ahlén, André Teixeira, Subhrakanti Dey. "A game-theoretic Approach to Covert Communications in the Presence of Multiple Colluding Wardens", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2021.
- Wenqing, Yan. "Towards robust and low-complexity radiometric fingerprint: PhD forum abstract." SenSys, November 2020. Ph.D. Forum Abstract
Best PhD Forum Presentation Award
- Wenqing, Yan, and Christian Rohner. "Sensitivity of radiometric fingerprint against wireless channel." ACM SenSys, November 2020. Poster Abstract
Best Poster Award
- Thiemo Voigt, Christian Rohner, Wenqing Yan, Laya Joseph, Sam Hylamia, Noor Badariah Asan, Bappaditya Mandal, Mauricio Perez, Robin Augustine. "Poster Abstract: Towards Secure Backscatter-based In-Body Sensor Networks", ACM SenSys, November 2020 Poster Abstract
- Thiemo Voigt, Wenqing Yan, Laya Joseph, Sam Hylamia, Maria Mani, Noor Badariah Asan, Bappaditya Mandal, Mauricio Perez, Robin Augustine. "Jamming to Support Privacy-preserving Continuous Tumour Relapse Monitoring Using In-body Radio Signals", First International Workshop on Physical-Layer Augmented Security for Sensor Systems, November 2020 Paper
- Ding, Kemi, Xiaoqiang Ren, Daniel E. Quevedo, Subhrakanti Dey, and Ling Shi, 2020. “Defensive deception against reactive jamming attacks in remote state Estimation”. Automatica, vol 113, pp. 1-11.
- Thiemo Voigt, Carlos Perez-Penichet and Christian Rohner. "Extended Abstract: Towards Physical-LayerAuthentication for Backscatter Devices", 3rd International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things (ADIoT 2020), September 2020, Short Video
- Alex S. Leong, Daniel E. Quevedo, and Subhrakanti Dey . "A Game-Theoretic Approach to Covert Communications". In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Aug-Sept 2020, London, UK.
- Wenqing Yan, Sam Hylamia, Thiemo Voigt, and Christian Rohner. "PHY-IDS: a physical-layer spoofing attack detection system for wearable devices", In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications (WearSys@MobiSys'20), June 2020, Video
- Sam Hylamia, Wenqing Yan, André Teixeira, Noor Badariah Asan, Mauricio Perez, Robin Augustine and Thiemo Voigt. "Privacy-preserving Continuous Tumour Relapse Monitoring Using In-body Radio Signals", in IEEE Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (SafeThings@S&P'20). San Francisco, May 2020.
- Wenqing Yan, Thiemo Voigt and Christian Rohner. "Poster: Radiometric Signatures for Wireless Device Identification over Dynamic Channels", in IEEE Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (SafeThings@S&P'20). San Francisco, May 2020. Poster
- J. Ebrahimizadeh, S.A.A. Jahromi, M.D. Perez and R. Augustine, “Pathloss Calculation for Fat-Intra Body Communication Using Poynting Vector Theory,” EUCAP 2020, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, March 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- L. Joseph, N. B. Asan, J. Ebrahimizadeh, A.S. Chezhian, M.D. Perez, T. Voigt and R. Augustine, “Non-Invasive Transmission Based Tumour Detection Using Anthropomorphic Breast Phantom at 2.45 GHz”, EUCAP 2020, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, March 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Sam Hylamia, Wenqing Yan, Christian Rohner and Thiemo Voigt. "Tiek: Two-tier Authentication and Key Distribution for Wearable Devices", in 2019 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). Barcelona, October 2019.
- Thiemo Voigt, Robin Augustine, Noor Badariah Asan, Mauricio Perez, Anders Ahlén, André Teixeira, Sam Hylamia, Christian Rohner, Wenqing Yan, Laya Joseph, Anna Nilsson, Maria Mani. "LifeSec - Don’t Hack my Body", IEEE EuroS&P 2019 and CySeP'19 (short talk), Stockholm, June 2019.
- Thiemo Voigt, Robin Augustine, Noor Badariah Asan, Mauricio Perez, Anders Ahlén, André Teixeira, Sam Hylamia, Christian Rohner, Wenqing Yan, Laya Joseph, Anna Nilsson, Maria Mani. "Tumor Sensing Privacy in In-Body Networks", IEEE EuroS&P 2019 and CySeP'19 (Poster Abstract), Stockholm, June 2019.
- Sam Hylamia, Christian Rohner and Thiemo Voigt. "Tiek: Two-tier Authentication and Key Distribution for Wearable Devices", IEEE EuroS&P 2019 and CySeP'19 (Poster Abstract), Stockholm, June 2019.
- Wenqing Yan, Thiemo Voigt and Christian Rohner. "Physical Layer Anomaly Detection System for Wearable Devices", IEEE EuroS&P 2019 and CySeP'19 (Poster Abstract), Stockholm, June 2019.
- S. Redzwan, J. Velander, M.D. Perez, L. Joseph, V. Mattsson, N.B. Asan, F. Huss, R. Augustine, “Improved Sensor for Non-Invasive Assessment of Burn Injury Depth Using Microwave Reflectometry,” in 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2019), Krakow, Poland, 2019.
- L. Joseph, M. D. Perez, and R. Augustine, “Development of 500 MHz - 20GHz Ultra-Wideband Multi-layered Heterogeneous Phantom of Different Human Soft Tissues for Various Microwaves Based Biomedical Applications,” in 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2019), Krakow, Poland, 2019.
- J. E. Zadeh, M. D. Perez, and R. Augustine, “Electromagnetic Time-Reversal Technique for Monitoring Skull Healing Stages,” in 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2019) , Krakow, Poland, 2019.
- Hylamia, A., Varshney, A., Soleiman, A., Papadimitratos, P., Rohner, C. and Voigt, T., 2018, June. Towards Battery-free Radio Tomographic Imaging. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (pp. 293-295). ACM.
- N. Asan, E. Hassan, J. Shah, D. Noreland, T. Blokhuis, E. Wadbro, M. Berggren, T. Voigt, and R. Augustine, “Characterization of the Fat Channel for Intra-Body Communication at R-Band Frequencies,” Sensors, vol. 18, no. 9, p. 2752, Aug. 2018.
- N. B. Asan, E. Hassan, S. R. Mohd Shah, J. Velander, M. D. Perez, T. Voigt, T. J. Blokhuis, R. Augustine, “Effects of Blood Vessels on Fat Channel Microwave Communication”, 2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), Västerås, Sweden, September 3-6, 2018.
- N. B. Asan, E. Hassan, S. R. Mohd Shah, J. Velander, T. Voigt, R. Augustine, “Impact of Blood Vessels on Data Packet Transmission Through the Fat Channel”, 2018 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM), Penang, Malaysia 2018, 17-19 Dec 2018.