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Department of Information Technology

Machine Learning

Facilitating research collaborations between divisions and between the department of Information technology and external parts.

About Machine Learning

Machine Learning addresses the problem of learning models from data that can be used to make predictions, inferences, and decisions. The Machine Learning arena brings together researchers across different divisions who share a common interest in machine learning methods and their applications. The arena is run jointly by the Department of Information Technology and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics.

Contact Us

The Machine Learning Arena is part of the Department of Information Technology and is situated at the IT-department, Uppsala University.

Arena coordinator
Dave Zachariah

Machine Learning Arena e-mail list
To subscribe to the list, send a message to with the following text in the body of the message:

subscribe it-machinelearning <My Name>

The list will be used for announcements. You can rech the moderators of the list by sending a message to

Updated  2022-09-19 10:47:09 by Dave Zachariah.