Scientific Computing Software
A collection of software written by researchers at the Division of Scientific Computing
- BENCHOP - The BENCHmarking project in Option Pricing. Six benchmark problems in computational finance and a collection of solution codes employing various numerical methods.
- Chunks and Tasks. Open source library for the parallelization of dynamic, hierarchical algorithms
- cnF2freq. Codebase for computing genotype and haplotype probabilities given a pedigree and (possibly incomplete) genotypes based on an interatively optimized Hidden Markov Model.
- Cogito: Software framework for parallel numerical PDE solvers on composite grids. An object-based code framework for the construction of parallel numerical solvers for PDEs on block-structured grids
- Ergo. An open source (GPL) program for large-scale electronic structure calculations
- GenFoo. A general Fokker-Planck solver
- Mesh Refinement Routines. Matlab code for refinement of grids composed of triangles/tetrahedra and quadrilaterals/bricks
- MOLNs. Create and manage a cloud computing platform for scalable, distributed experiments in computational systems biology using Ipython Parallel/Notebook. Also provides FEniCS/Dolfin as a service.
- PyURDME. Python modeling and simulation API for stochastic reaction-diffusion problems
- Radial Basis Function Interpolation: RBF-QR. A Matlab implementation of the RBF-QR method for radial basis function interpolation
- siminf. An R-package with the ability to simulate arbitrary models of epidemics using temporal contact data
- stenglib. A collection of Matlab packages for daily use
- StochSS. Stochastic Simulation as a service, in collaboration with the Petzold Lab at UCSB. Modeling and simulation of biochemical networks on multiple modeling levels from ODEs to spatial stochastic solvers.
- SuperGlue. A library for data-dependency driven task parallelism
- URDME. Stochastic simulation of spatial mesoscopic models of reaction-diffusion systems on unstructured meshes
- Wave propagation tools
- Various tools
For employees: short overview of open source code licenses